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JP | CSci & SciO | Lt Lionza & Ens Kharg | "Ignorant of the Unknown"

Posted on 241711.11 @ 10:44pm by Ensign Ayissa Kharg & Lieutenant Maria Lionza

Mission: Reconstruction and Refocus
Location: Science Department

Having gotten the newly modified array calibrated and operational, and figuring it had been ample time for her superior officer to either have calmed down or had a nap, Kharg made her way back towards the Science Department. It was not exactly a social situation she relished; especially if Lionza had not actually had enough time to cool. Despite the aggravation they all surely felt, it was still no excuse for the sudden personality shift. Hovering outside the door to the Lieutenant's office, she squared her shoulders, steeling herself for what may await on the other side as she pressed the chime firmly.

Maria was in her office sitting in her chair deciding that this couldn't just be side effects from the Jakk. She knew the side effects and withdrawal symptoms. This was something else something she couldn't place the feeling. She felt paranoid like when someone spoke to her they weren't telling her everything even when they were. Rubbing her eyes Maira snapped out of whatever trance she was in. "Enter." She called out.

Entering, Ayissa lingered just within the portal, eyeing Maria with a mixture of trepidation, disapproval, and concern. "Lieutenant." She began, her tone dictating that this was a formal matter, as opposed to a friendly visit.

"You told me that little in this department would change with your promotion. On that note, I expect this to be received as a peer, not an underling. I am just as frustrated as you. Perhaps even disappointed; in that we were not entrusted with vital information, and thus have not been able to appropriately do our jobs. That we still have more questions than answers. But that does not grant the right to treat others poorly."

The ensign was right. In truth she was on edge ever since getting aboard the Enterprise. Even more so since they've reached the nebula. "You are right. My treatment of the crew has not been right. And I do owe an apology as well as one to Mallow." Maria said watching Ayissa, ".....I also know that this wasn't probably easy to do and I appreciate you coming to me." Maria said rubbing her temples.

"Might I suggest that you seek to speak with someone? I know from my own experience that it is helpful to have an ear with no biases to listen to you." Kharg centered further, her voice softening slightly although her posture remained firm. "Ultimately I would like us to continue working together as friends and peers. And as such, it would seem that having some other support for whatever it is you are experiencing may be beneficial."

Maria nodded. "Maybe you are right.....but are you feeling......I I don't know anxious, agitated even paranoid ever since receiving this assignment and arriving at the nebula and getting worse as we move further and deeper into the nebula."

"I am uneasy that for all out attempts at narrowing down anything, we remain largely ignorant of what is actually out there. At least not the big picture; just many tiny pieces of the puzzle." Ayissa offered, "And irritated that information that could have steered our search in a more productive direction was withheld from us until now. I am wary of what sort of trap it is we may be bumbling into because of the former two points, and wish that there was more we could do to prepare. But I would not say that any of those feelings are not validated by the circumstances."

Maria nodded maybe that was all it was just the unknowns of it all. "I'm sure lieutenant zh'Neilvvh well get us some concrete answers soon."

"And perhaps now that the array is installed and reworked, we will find some more there. I have already calibrated it for our needs. New readings should be coming as we speak. Now that we have a slightly more accurate idea of what we are seeking, as well as the improved instrument, we have a stronger likelihood of being at least somewhat prepared." The Ensign added.

"I'm gonna let you handle the data collection. The most important thing is getting data on this so-called planet. I'll have zh'Neilvvh continue to dig to see they type of traps that the Sulliban used or maybe even what the Xindi used."

Ayissa hummed a sound of vague agreement. "Once she does have the information, we will have to reconvene. In the meantime, I would suggest you take a break. And I will continue gathering what I can as well."

"Thank you. I mean it. Thank you for checking on me." Maria said giving Ayissa a rare smile.

"Of course." Giving a small nod, the hybrid woman returned the smile briefly before making her exit.


Lieutenant Maria Lionza
Chief Science Officer
USS Enterprise

Ensign Ayissa Kharg
Science Officer
USS Enterprise


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