Lieutenant Oswald Quiver
Name Oswald Quiver Mr
Position Engineer
Rank Lieutenant
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Andorian | |
Age | 22 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'11" | |
Weight | 140lb | |
Hair Color | White | |
Eye Color | Blue | |
Physical Description | Slim, average. |
Spouse | N/A | |
Children | N/A | |
Father | Northal Quiver | |
Mother | Maretty Delty | |
Brother(s) | Konek Quiver | |
Sister(s) | N/A | |
Other Family | N/A |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Ambitious, forthright, Honest. | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Meticulous, hard working, creative Selfish tendencies, reclusive |
Ambitions | Looking to become chief engineer on the flagship one day | |
Hobbies & Interests | Canoeing, nature, discovering the unknown |
Personal History | Born and raised on Andoria, joined starfleet academy at 18yrs old (239309.04). I graduated on star date 239706.23 with honours, specialising in warp theory and nano mechanics. |
Service Record | Engineer, USS Trinity (239706.29 - present) |