Lieutenant Zhyalla sh'Thrass
Name Zhyalla "Mercury Lemon" sh'Thrass
Rank Lieutenant
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Andorian | |
Age | 31 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 1.66 m | |
Weight | 52kg | |
Hair Color | White | |
Eye Color | Grey | |
Physical Description | Petite, athletic, and sporting orange tips on her hair that are easily hidden with most duty appropriate up-dos. |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Spunky, egotistical, hot headed, and slow to trust but loyal to a fault. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Give her a craft small and agile, and she'll find its limits. Give her a big ship, she'll do the same. She also takes joy in tweaking and adjusting engines and propulsion systems to get that extra bit of oomph out of them. She also takes joy in stunt flying and racing, both in and out of atmosphere and with antique and modern craft alike. |
Personal History | From an early age, she wasn't interested in having children, and this drove a wedge between her and her family. When she later found out she was sterile, she never bothered to make her estranged family aware of it, feeling that they should have accepted her choice without biological reason to back it. Without family to be close to, Starfleet has been her driving focus in life. While it takes her a while to come to trust people, once she does, she treats them more as family than those she is linked to by blood. |