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241605.15 @ 9:30pm

Lieutenant Commander Kishar Batul

Name Kishar Batul

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Orion
Age 36

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5" (165 cm)
Weight 120 lbs (55 kg)
Hair Color Black, with dyed metallic purple highlights
Eye Color Light Pink
Physical Description Kishar Batul (pronouned Kees-har Bah-tul) is the green-skinned, garden variety (Photosynthetic skin, haha) of Orion. On the taller and more slender side of her race, she is still in possession of the well-known level of strength also associated with her people. Black hair has been overlaid with purple, altering the typical metallic-green tones, though it is often held up in a tight bun or braid, out of the way.

That is where the typical expectations end.

While considered at least moderately attractive by the standards of most humanoids, the fabled beauty of the Orion women seems to be rather dim in this particular specimen. Built more like a hunting cat than a seductress; lean muscle and modest curves at best, with narrow, aquiline features.

Also lacking is the distinctive, pheromone-laced scent that is well known, and somewhat feared, in her species. While still dimly present, it is masked and modified through other, topically applied scents and a medicated suppressant. Both allowing her to move freely amongst, and assuage the skepticism of, those she has chosen to be a part of in Starfleet.

Also at odds with racial stereotype, Kishar dresses plainly, choosing dark colors and conservative cuts as opposed to the bright and flamboyant styles more often seen on other Orions. Accessories are also minimal, often wearing only a plain, thick golden necklace and/or gold band bracelets, vaguely reminiscent of the bindings often found on slaves.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Undisclosed
Mother Undisclosed
Brother(s) Undisclosed
Sister(s) Undisclosed
Other Family Undisclosed

Personality & Traits

General Overview Brusque, with a grim, dry sense of humor that is often mistaken for merely being terribly blunt or cynical. She is very much a warrior, and it shows in almost everything done or said; or that which is not. Generally a serious personality, especially when it comes to performing her duties, which are never taken lightly. Spectacularly non-charismatic in comparison to what is expected of her race; though capable of holding conversation if the mood so takes. Though it remains a fairly rare circumstance.

Obviously unable to hide her heritage, the woman seems less than keen on discussing it; or being reminded of it more than need be. Comes off as actively trying to live down every piece of 'common' knowledge or stereotype of her people.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Physical strength, wariness, attention to small details/nuances, firm sense of duty, stubborn (Both good and bad)

Weaknesses: Not very outwardly sociable, quick to judge, can come across as mildly paranoid, can be single-minded, has little qualms about achieving goals however she must.
Ambitions While no one has ever actually managed to pinpoint a particular driving force for the woman, it would seem that her goal has been and continues to be serving as best she can, where she can.
Hobbies & Interests Weaponry, Martial Arts, Alcohol, Music [especially of the more archaic Human variety]

Personal History The few people who have actually managed to broach the subject as to Kishar's past have been met with dissembling replies or out-right close-lipped resistance. What is common knowledge is the almost impeccable service record left behind in Starfleet, and now being grown again in the Confederation, for a total of 14 years. Nothing betrays anything odd about the woman, per se, except for the fact that there is NOTHING that stands out.
Service Record Starfleet Academy (4yrs)
SB 82, Security Officer (6yrs)
SB 82, Assistant Chief Security (2yrs)
USS Crazy Horse (2yrs)