Duty Log | Lt Rhiannon Sato-Pryce | Leaving it all behind...
Posted on 241402.20 @ 11:37am by Lieutenant Rhiannon Sato-Pryce
Edited on on 241402.20 @ 11:42am
Where no man has gone before.
Location: Starship Reclamation Facility 229 Alpha
Deep within the broken husk of an old computer core sat a Celtic goddess. At least according to the repeat statements of Petty Officer Richard Daniels when he thought she wasn't in earshot. She had her long wavy red hair tied back, frizzier than usual thanks to the humidity in here and her sweat beading on her brow. The heat was due to an unsuccesful boot up attempt, even these ancient wrecks can sometimes hold working tech that might be useful in the civilian sector. But this one just overheated, blew out half the ship's ODN routers and died. So, now, Ensign Rhiannon Sato-Pryce, sat inside the hot mangled mess manually pulling out anything of use. She was hot, sticky and sweaty, but despite all that she was enjoying herself. Except for this stubborn core's reluctance to be removed.
"Rydych yn asyn mab dan y pennawd styfnig i ast!" she swore in Welsh.
"Ensign Pryce?" a voice, that clearly denoted experience, called.
Without turning, she almost snapped, "That's Ensign SATO-Pryce." she briefly packed up her stuff and then turned to see Chief Alaric Derin, her Trill second in command of what everyone joking called "Tech Support". Derin didn't look to be any older than her, but his symbiont had been in and out of Engineering teams for almost as long as humans have been in space.
"Sorry Ensign, you know I'm not used to the whole two surnames thing. Or even one's pride in them."
"That's ok Alaric, what's up?" she asked, waving his indiscretion away as a mere annoyance.
"Commander Sotek asked me to find you. He needs to see you in his office ASAP."
Rhiannon frowned, "What about?"
Derin shook his head, "He refused to say. It seemed urgent though."
Rhiannon continued to frown, "Huh..." she looked down at her work and then back up at Derin, "Would you mind finishing my work for me?"
"Not at all Ensign."
Rhiannon climbed out of the pit and Derin climbed in. "I'll see you after shift, Chief." they almost always shared a drink in the Observation Lounge after work to unwind.
"Same table?" Derin smiled.
"Always." Rhiannon returned the smile.
=/\= Commander's Office =/\=
Having made her way across the umbilical from the derelict Ambassador class, to the main facility, Rhiannon had quickly made her way to the Commander's Office. Standing in front of the desk, she was reading a PADD that the Vulcan commander gave to her.
"A promotion?" she asked. 'About time.' she thought.
"That is correct Lieutenant." that would take some getting used to. "But that is not all" Sotek handed her another PADD.
She took it and read it. "A transfer!? But I like it here."
"Starfleet does not care what you like, only where you will be of the most effecient use." Sotek said emotionlessly.
She looked at the PADD, "It doesn't say where I'm transferring to. Just requires me to report to McKinley Station..."
"Correct. And before you ask, I do not know where you are transferring either. I only know you have to leave now."
"What? Right now?"
"Correct. I've already had your belongings packed onto your transport shuttle. It is awaiting you in Hangar 4."
Rhiannon just stood there agape, holding the PADDs one in each hand.
She looked up slowly, "Sir?"
"Go. Now."
"But... Who will run Tech Support?"
Sotek seemed to ignore the colloqiualism, "I am confident that Chief Derin will be able to take over."
Rhiannon looked disappointed, crestfallen. She'd finally found what seemed to be the perfect job-sure it wasn't starship duty, but it was damn near perfect. Working with computers, integrated ship systems in a way few engineering personnel ever get to. Then again...They build ships at McKinley Station, so maybe this is a ship assignment...Maybe...
She looked up again, "Sir?"
"Please do not require me to order security to escort you on to that transport."
"Um..Right. Okay. Thank you sir..." she paused, "for everything."
Sotek merely nodded. "You are dismissed."
=/\= Transport Shuttle =/\=
She didn't have a chance to say goodbye to anyone, what with most of them on duty on the Ambassador or other ships, the dead hulks had no communications. She just up and left. She did not like that at all. This assignment had better be something truly special...
=/\= Starship Reclamation Facility 229 Alpha - Observation Lounge =/\=
=/\= 4 hours later =/\=
Chief Alaric Derin sat at his usual table, near the window with a clear line of sight of both exits. Something he learned to do in one of his past lifetimes. He was waiting for Ensign Sato-Pryce, it's not like her to be late. Asking the computer her whereabouts would be useless as she could be on any one of the derelict ships docked at the facility.
So..He guessed he'd wait.
And wait.
=/\= =/\= =/\=
Lt Rhiannon Sato-Pryce
Soon-to-be Chief Operations Officer
USS Enterprise