Joint Personal Log - LtCmdr Rinehart & Fabla - "But You'll Be Temping Fate, 'Cause I'm Watching You"
Posted on 241407.30 @ 9:51am by Civilian Fabla & Commander Tierney Rinehart
Suicidal Running Title
Location: Figaro Dining Hall
After parting ways with Tierney on the station, the band of merry misfits: the crew of the Figaro, decided to head back to the ship with their goodies. Zerra had taken up in their tiny dining hall, with the art supplies she'd found, when they arrived back at the Figaro... It was only because of those art supplies that Fabla had even learned the mixed Trill's name, she had to tell the merchant who the canvases had been for, since they hadn't been yet available.
In what little time they had been back, she'd already filled large pages with rough sketches of the Figaro's crew, the people seen on the station, and even the large Starfleet vessel their freighter was skulking next to. Fabla hadn't particularly cared for how quiet and hidden the woman had been, but the art was good. Her heart softened, and she promised herself to be more tolerant of the mysterious woman.
Nadik muttered bitterly to himself, marching through the ship's corridors and into the dining hall with a PaDD clutched tightly in his hands. "Someone tried to kill her!" He yelled, throwing the PaDD on the table so hard it nearly shattered, the back light on it flickered violently before triumphantly staying on. "I knew monitoring station security would pay off, Fabla!"
"I told you, if the Starfleets or the station catch you-" Fabla started to protest even as she realized what Nadik had actually said. "Tried to kill who? Not Tierney, surely." She picked up the PADD, having to bump it a couple times to get it to respond after the abuse. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Zerra started to furiously sketch their interactions.
"BAH!" Nadik yelled, waving away her assertions, throwing his bulky frame into a chair. "Tierney. Someone tried to kill her, looks like they mighta killed the Enterprise doc in the process." He chawed, furiously, flecks of foam coating the corners of his mouth. "Some idiot bounty hunter with a gun. I vote we get her and we run from this Enterprise Starfleet business before it kills us all!" His fist hit the table, shaking the contents of Zerra's paint brush cup.
Zerra narrowed her eyes, snatching the cup away from the tellarite's reach with a muttered remark about the stupid pig. Fabla sighed.
"I will go get her, she will decide if we run," Fabla insisted as she stood. "Go check that no one has disturbed your engines and the cloaking device, in case we do need to leave quickly." Fabla handed Nadik his PADD back, and turned to leave without waiting for his response.
Fabla paused to page Tygelgor and Tallen in their quarters in her way off the ship. She wanted to make sure they weren't going anywhere in case Tierney did want to leave. When she reached the enterprise, she asked the computer where Tierney was, and followed it's directions.
=/\= END LOG =/\=
Civilian Pilot
The Freighter Figaro
Nadik (apb Toby)
Civilian Engineer
The Freighter Figaro
Zerra (apb Pond)
Civilian Medic
The Freighter Figaro