JDL | Cmdr Hunter & Lt Quoicho | "Two Things"
Posted on 241504.16 @ 11:59pm by
Holy Cow
Location: Sickbay
= E =
"Doctor," Adrianna wandered in with her son on her hip, "I need something from you, well two."
"Of course commander." Nanee said turning away from the large monitor that was over the nurses station showing the vitals of all the patients in sickbay. "What can I do for you?"
"Firstly, I am still waiting for your report, and quite frankly, I want shore leave, and you will probably want it to," she replied in a friendly tone, "secondly, it's Matthias' first birthday and I think he needs some shots."
"It's almost done commander. And go over to bed 10 and Janet get the vaccinations ready for Matthias and I'll be right over." Nanee said tapping a few buttons on her CPaDD as she pulled up the report doing a quick double check she was happy that everything was there that needed to be and with that she hit send. "Alright report is at your computer." Nanee said walking over and getting the first vaccine ready.
"Excellent, thank you," Adrian was sat up on the edge of the biobed with Matthias on her lap. The young boy stared at the doctor unsure.
"Alright." Nanee said pushing the hypospray against the child's arm and after a second a hiss could be heard as the vaccine was administered into the young child's bloodstream and with relative ease Nanee moved through the vaccines rather quickly. "Alright all done just keep an eye out for rashes, fevers just on the off chance he was an allergic reaction to any of them."
The mother picked Matthias back up and stood him with aide on her legs, "Don't suppose you could give him a quick once over on his throat could you. This boy doesn't cry loudly, and he hasn't even attempted talking."
Grabbing a device that looked like a dermal regenerator she did a fast quick scan of Matthias' neck as she watched the image come up on her CPaDD. After the scan was completed she tapped a few buttons, "well you've nothing to worry about. The voice box is just slightly underdeveloped and that'll correct itself as he grows. But this has the potential of disabilities later in life."
"Disabilities that are easy enough to cope with though?" she asked curiously, though she was positive that any son of her own would be a super hero and get through anything.
"They're most likely his voice is gonna be a bit lower or husky and worst case scenario muteness." Nanee said looking at Hunter, "but that's a very very long shot."
"Next steps or is it just a waiting game, doc," this was something she wished her ex husband was here for, but the rest of her knew that it would never be a good idea to bring him into this. It was a good thing he was no where near. But alas, Adrian needed support.
"It's a waiting game to see what happens. But we're prepared to deal with this at any stage it's at." Nanee said looking at Hunter.
Adrian looked at her son, with some sadness in her eyes. With a kiss to the top of his head on his dark, soft hair she sighed, "Anything I can do now?"
"No I'm sorry but all you can do now is just try and relax and just love your son like you've been doing." Nanee said giving her a soft smile.
"That," the woman smiled broadly at the doctor, "is the best response I have ever heard." Looking back to her son she turned him around and helped him stand on her legs again, "Hey, Matthias, I'm going to love you even if you sound like Barry White or Morgan Freeman, I promise." She kissed his nose and chuckled.
"Well I think that's all if anything else arises come in or give us a call and we can come to you." Nanee said as she nodded to the physician mate to escort the two out while she cleaned up and finished making notations in the child's chart.
Commander Adrianna Hunter
Executive Officer
USS Enterprise, 1701-F
Lieutenant Nanee Quoicho
Chief Medical Officer
USS Enterprise, 1701-F