Joint Log | CO & CMO | Capt. Carpenter & LtCmdr. Rogers | A Game Of Chess
Posted on 241403.06 @ 4:54pm by Lieutenant Scarlet Rogers MD & Captain Eric Carpenter
Mission: Where no man has gone before.
Scarlet was in her office playing chess with herself being that the medical bay was near empty. When she got the call from the Captain, she requested whether he wanted her to go to his office, or vice versa.
Eric decided to go see her in her own office, not that it made a huge difference where they met. He came down to sickbay, and tapped the chime.
She let him in as she placed a knight forward and turned the board round to take her next turn as the opponent to herself. She stood up and smiled, "Captain."
"Doctor." He said, allowing the door to close behind him. "I have a concern about one of my officers; Commander Rhodes."
"Mr. Rhodes, yes, I patched up his hand," she smiled nodding, "Is everything ok?"
"Well, I had dinner with him just now, and whilst having dinner, he just stopped talking suddenly, dropped his fork and seemed to go blank for a second or two - then carried on as if nothing happened. Add to that, he seems completely... non-plussed about getting injured. I can't describe it, but it sends alarm bells ringing, ya know?"
"Injuries like the one I saw, are so common in his profession it's like librarians with a paper cut. As for him dropping his fork, or getting cramp, I can honestly say that I am not surprised, it is something to get used to, but I have no issue in running a few extra scans just in case if you wish, and he co-operates," she looked down to the chess board and moved a pawn forward one before returning her look to the Captain, "I wouldn't be too worried about it to be perfectly honest, just yet."
"I have to be worried, its my job to care about my people, and I have a concern that my chief engineer has an extremely caviler outlook on life." Eric said.
"I'm almost positive that you might be over reacting," she smiled and moved the opponents queen and looked back up, before sitting on the edge of her desk, "If my tests come back clean, then I will refer him to the councillor."
"I've already informed Lt Vanik of my concerns." Eric said. "I felt I might bring them up at the dinner I have planned with him."
"I'm sure he will enjoy his date," she teased before looking back at the chess board.
"He's a Vulcan, I doubt 'enjoyment' even computes." Eric replied, smirking. "Should I leave you to your chess?"
"It's at a stalemate anyway sir," she said looking back up, "I would prefer to get Mark's, sorry, Mr Rhodes medical checks first prior to him being forced to see a shrink, if you don't mind. Was there anything else?"
"No, that was all. Thank you Doctor." Eric said.
She went to sit on the chair behind her desk, but instead remained standing, "I know we may not see eye-to-eye, sir, but we are stuck with each other. I hope we can overcome our differences."
"As do I, doctor. As do I." He said, turning to leave.
"You don't sound too enthusiastic," she muttered turning to her game, to realise she was wrong: it wasn't a stale mate. She continued to move the castle she'd spotted to engage her opposing self into a check mate situation.
"You've proved quite stubborn and resistant to my overtures of friendship, Doctor. I merely hope that its as a result of errors in judgement, not a fundamental issue between us that cannot be resolved." Eric said. "Perhaps things will improve if we shared a common interest of some sort."
"I know near nothing about you a part from what I read, hear and the fact that we are from a similar area," she looked up.
"And I only know what's in your service jacket, and what you've already told me." He replied. "Tell me, do you like martial arts at all?"
"I've seen it, it's quite an art form," she smiled, "but I can't say I can do it."
"Would you like to try?" He asked. "I'm proficient in multiple forms."
"It does sound interesting," she nodded, "when?"
"0600 tomorrow, the gymnasium. Dress for a workout." He said.
"6am," Scarlet cursed under her breath, "Very well, Thank you."
"Bright and early, Doctor." He said, as he left.
= End Log =
Captain Eric Carpenter
Commanding Officer
USS Enterprise
Doctor Scarlet Rogers
Chief Medical Officer
USS Enterprise