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241406.xx || Dr Rogers & Commander Thelin th'Zarath || An Extra Bruise

Posted on 241406.21 @ 5:55pm by Lieutenant Scarlet Rogers MD

Mission: Where no man has gone before.

Scarlet ran into the medical bay and instructed that a further bay had been given to them for an overflow triage area. The place was heaving but everyone was working efficiently. Scarlet navigated herself quickly through the the crowd and found Thelin lying on a biobed all fixed up, but resting. She slapped him across the face, hard, "Treason!? What the hell!?"

Shock crossed the face of the Andorian as he slid himself off the bed, his uniform torn and burnt from weapons fire, the skin covering his left arm was similarly damaged revealing the cybernetic replacement he'd had fitted years before, he took Scarlet by the shoulder and pulled her towards the office, "I can explain Scarlet," he hissed as they passed through the door.

"It better be a damn good explanation," she hissed back.

"The men who came for us, the ship that attacked us was not from Starfleet," Thelin replied as he moved to lean on a chair, "There has been a coup on Earth, Starfleet has been branded traitors by a group that have gained control of the Federation Council, those who do not join them are executed or arrested, some of the heads of Starfleet have escaped and are on the run." he added, letting out a sigh as he finished.

"Why should I trust your word?" she narrowed her eyes, still somewhat hurt at the betrayal.

"Because Captain Carpenter and I decided to take the ship into deep space to try and avoid the crew being taken prisoner and I've got no reason to lie to you, I'm no traitor, I'm loyal to the real Federation and Starfleet, not these imposters who use violence and threats to impose their will." the Andorian replied with pride in his voice, "Starfleet officers would never shoot first and ask questions later."

Scarlet's face relaxed into quite the deer in headlights look, stunned in silence. She did not know how to respond. He was right, but she wasn't sure if she should trust him. She was scared that once again she had been let down by someone she was falling for.

"Scarlet, please believe me when I say that the only thing we are guilty of is standing up for the principals we swore to uphold," Thelin replied as he placed a hand on both of her shoulders and looked into her eyes, "We're all fugitives now."

"I feel betrayed. I do not know the truth for certain, I only have your word, which could potentially mean nothing. I..." she began, her eyes welling up again, "I trusted you."

"Computer, authorisation Thelin Delta Six, release confidentiality on priority message from Fleet Admiral Malone," the Andorian said as he turned and moved the monitor to face the young doctor, he tapped a few buttons and sat on the desk as the message played.

"Admiral Malone sent that while they were coming for him, he barely escaped from Earth because he warned the entire fleet, the majority have followed him or disappeared from what we can tell." Thelin responded as he stood and wrapped his arms around her gently.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered holding him tight.

"Don't apologise, we need to be careful who we can trust now, which is why we told no-one." he replied as he pulled away and looked around, "Speaking of which, who is in command if Carpenter has been taken?"

"Uh, I think it's Rhodes," she said, "he seemed to be the one giving the orders once the captain was removed from power. I'm so glad you are ok?" The young doctor looked at Thelin's clothes and injuries. then back to his face putting her hand near where she had slapped him, "An extra bruise to come I suppose."

"I felt us jump into slipstream, hopefully that means he ran, that makes him one of us..." Thelin replied as he placed his hand over hers and pressed it to his lips, "As soon as you've passed me fit to go, I'll go and see him."

Scarlet's cheeks blushed a little, "I'll double check everything but I think you should be ok, I trust my staff to do their jobs well."

"I took two hits to my cybernetics and a glancing hit to my right thigh," he replied quickly, "My prosthesic is going to be slow until I can get it repaired."

"As an engineer by trade, I'm sure you'll be fine," she offered a smile and looked his injuries over with soft hands.

"I'm sure I will," Thelin replied with a soft smile as his antennae narrowed towards the door, "I think someone is coming."

Scarlet caught Thelin's eyes with hers and kissed him softly, "Go see the acting captain, I have work to do and perhaps a visitor." She blushed at the kiss and somewhat regretted being so forward, but smiled anyway looking to the floor.

The kiss shocked Thelin for the second time and he smiled broadly before kissing her on the forehead, "I'll be back later, I hope."

"Maybe we can have dinner," she looked up still blushing and smiling, "you do owe me a taste of andorian cuisine."

"Its a date," Thelin replied as he let go reluctantly and moved towards the door, his flesh and blood hand lingering in hers, "Make sure you can trust your staff, you never know who might be working for the enemy."

"I've been through worse," she muttered smiling and finally letting go of his hand and turning to sit on her chair and read some charts and files that had been placed on her desk.

"If there is anyone on the ship you care about, hope that they got the message too," the Andorian added as he stepped through the door that slid open as he approached.

"I only care about you," she smiled not looking up from her work.


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