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Joint Duty Log - CO & CINTEL - aCapt Rhodes & LtCmdr Rinehart

Posted on 241406.22 @ 7:46pm by Acting Captain Mark Rhodes & Commander Tierney Rinehart

Mission: Where no man has gone before.

=*=Chief Intelligence Office=*=

Acting Captain Mark Rhodes walked into Intelligence and walked straight into the Chief's office, right past the receptionist who tried to slow him down. He did not quite care for intel and now that he was Captain, he was going to get on the same level as his Chief because he didn't want to wake up one night with a knife in his back, figuratively or literately.

He walked into the office without hitting the chime and did exactly what he wanted to, caught her off guard. "First and foremost, I am now the Captain of this ship, but I know you already know that. But something you do not know about me is that I will not put up with any insubordination or undermining. I am in charge here, not you. I appreciate the help you provided on the bridge in our tactical situation," said Mark with conviction to the Chief Intel officer.

Tierney just about jumped out of her skin at the sudden entrance of the Engineering officer turned Captain. Her heart took a flying leap into her throat, thundering wildly as she quickly got to her feet, her fingers pressed against the cool surface of her desk. "I'm not exactly sure where this is coming from, sir, but I can assure you there isn't any insubordination or undermining coming from this direction." She began, her voice low and quiet as she studied his facial features. "I did what I did for the ship because it was the right thing to do given the situation, don't make me regret turning my back on the Federation, Mr. Rhodes."

"Thats Captain Rhodes," said Mark with a flair of defense. "We both know the stories that have come out over the years about Intel officers. I appreciate your actions on the bridge. So is there anything that you can tell me about what you have heard? About the UFP situation? Starfleets part in this all?" asked Mark.

An eyebrow raised, "Dually noted, Captain Rhodes." Tierney admonished as she once more found her seat, the fright of the sudden intrusion having begun to pass. "I know the rumors that have started. I know that the general sentiment is that I'm a snake in the grass and not to be trusted." She smiled her prettiest smile as if to emphasize the point. "I've only heard bits and pieces, however, about the Federation situation. All I can warn is that you keep your eyes and ears open. You're wanted man now and there's a big, fat red target painted on the hull of this vessel. You'll want to join up with the other ships that have defected," The little redhead added, checking a PADD before sliding it across the desk towards him, "Safety in numbers and all that."

"Not sure who of ours will be this far out, but I will keep my eyes open," said Mark. "When you have time I want you to compile a report of any information you have about any species or planets near where we are. Any information I would appreciate. I really don't plan to head back for Federation space until we are called back by Admiral Malone. Until that time we are going to explore unexplored space."

The redhead nodded analytically as she played across a small hand held device. "You'd be correct in assuming that we're out here all alone, Captain." She replied and set the device down, folding her hands together and looking up at him once again, "Which can either be out doom or our favor. Ultimately the choice is up to your decision making. I'll do my best to see what can be found in the sector, I'm sure my Ferengi contacts will know of something."

"They always seem to," replied Mark. "We took some UFP service members into custody during the unpleasantness, I am sure you have your eyes and ears on the wall and they have reported all of this back to you. Regardless, I am going to speak with the Security Chief and talk to the prisoners in the next couple of days, I would like you there. I am sure your experience in interrogation type settings is better then mine," said Mark.

A small smirk played across the woman's plush lips, "As you wish, Captain." She nodded. The plot was thickening, her position as Intelligence had been thrown away, cast into the ether without so much as a second thought -- and now? Now she'd be interrogating the very people she'd once served. Life was strange that way. Whether she liked it or not, her very life and essence depending on currying favor from the Enterprise crew.

"Thank you Commander," said Mark. "I am going to need you to keep your ear to the rail out here in the black. And any suggestions, feel free to voice them when appropriate," he said attempting to establish limits. He stood up and prepared to exit the office. With that Mark left the office moving onto the next.


Acting Captain Mark Rhodes
Commanding Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F

Lieutenant Commander Tierney Rinehart
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F


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