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PLOT LOG - CO & XO - aCapt Rhodes & LtCmdr Dhej - "Arrival at Bimi Space Prime Trading Center"

Posted on 241407.20 @ 10:29pm by Acting Captain Mark Rhodes

Mission: Suicidal Running Title


Acting Captain Mark Rhodes sat in the command chair. It still felt odd to him even after the couple weeks he had been in command of the boat. Karim sat to his right. They hadn't had much time in this configuration but Mark kind of enjoyed it.

Karim smiled very slightly. He was excited to be sitting where he was, but was at the same time. He had barely spent any time on the bridge since he'd become XO.

"Captain," said the helm officer. "We are approaching the coordinates of the trading center."

"Very good, drop out of warp," said Mark. When they dropped out of warp the Space Bazaar came into view. There was a central station hub in orbit around a smallish red mood. There were countless ships zooming about, knowing exactly where to go. From the center of the hub was 6 spokes that extended out for ship docking.

"Sir? We are receiving an incoming message," called out the Ops officer.

"On screen," said Mark standing and adjusting his uniform.

A red skinned humanoid appeared onscreen in a blue jumpsuit style uniform: "Khao ei Th'kwano ekhtyeliyrl a hfuahakherlyeease Bimi akhakhahtiyheali ftouw aueisouh ui seeiluiw aohtoayu uitaui sterih yeisuiye hwiyeaeaiyla eawea htafeaisaosaol."

Mark instantly turned to his XO with a look of confusion.

Karim returned the confused look and said "It appears that the universal translator isn't working properly sir."

Mark looked back at the screen, "I cannot understand you... I am going to need you to keep talking," the red skinned humanoid looked confused.

"Khao ei Th'kwano ekhtyeliyrl a the Bimi akhakhahtiyheali ftouw Center ui seeiluiw charged uitaui sterih arrival before eawea disembark," repeated the humanoid as the UT started picking up the language.

"Yes yes," said Mark. "Keep talking." The UT finally caught up.

"I repeat: This is Th'kwano of the Bimi Space Prime Trading Center. Follow the coordinates to your assigned docking port. You will be charged upon your arrival before anyone will be allowed to disembark."

"Understood," said Mark. With a curt nod the red skinned being ended the transmission. Mark sat back down. "Helm, follow the coordinates," Mark leaned in towards his XO "Payment... of what kind I wonder. Do we have the items you mentioned in your report pulled into a cargo bay? Or are they around the ship still?"

Karim nodded and said "They are ready in Cargobay 1. I've had them separated into both engineering parts and other miscellaneous equipment sir."

"Understood Commander," said Mark pulling out a PaDD and pulling up the inventory again. Within a few moments the ship was docked.

"Docking seal obtained and good sir," said the Helm Officer.

"Understood. Number One, you are with me," said Mark as he stood up. "Lt Connors, you have the conn," said Mark with Karim at his side in the TL as the door closed.

Nodding, Karim followed Mark into the TL. He was hopeful the supplies he had chosen would be enough to secure everything they needed. Feeling a wave of nervousness hit him, he closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath.

Stepping off of the TL Mark lead the way to the gangway that now opened up to the Trading Center. There was another red skinned humanoid standing with 2 armed guards flanking him. "Your payment is required before anyone can disembark your craft," said the station administrator as Mark stepped down. "Payment can be arranged here," he handed Mark a PaDD type device.

Mark took the device and looked it over. "500 Liters of Drive Plasma? I think we can manage that?" he said looking to Karim.

Being careful not to show any expression on his face, as he didn't know the cultural subtleties of their race Karim replied calmly "Yes sir. That sounds like a fair trade."

"We will bring your payment up," he said signing the PaDD with his thumb.

"Understood," said the creature. "Here is information regarding Station rules and regulations, you are to review these before you disembark your craft. Once on station, you will be held accountable for your actions."

"Thank you," said Mark taking a data chip of information.

"Welcome to Bimi Space Prime Trading Center: Good luck and fair trade." 3 humanoids turned and left going onto the next orientation.

"Alright," said Mark turning back towards the TL. "Alright Commander, before anyone leaves this ship we will review these customs. Lets call the senior staff and assign some tasks," said Mark.

Turning, Karim replied "Yes sir. The way he mentioned we were accountable for our actions concerned me as well. Having everyone on the same page would help. When would you like the staff meeting to happen?"

"1 hour," said Mark stepping on the TL with Karim. "I want a security to be down here on that gangway. Just in case our crew decides to get out early."

As the doors closed, Karim tapped his combadge and said "Dhej to senior officers. Please report to the observation lounge in 1 hour. Dhej out." Closing the com, he opened another and said "Dhej to Security, report to the gangway immediately. Dhej out."

The turbolift started to move under their feet taking them back to the bridge. The wheels were now turning.


Acting Captain Mark Rhodes
Commanding Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F

Lieutenant Commander Karim Dhej
Executive Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F


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