Joint Duty Log | Dr Rogers & Lieutenant Nanee Quoicho | Odd Greeting and Enrollment
Posted on 241407.22 @ 8:35pm by Lieutenant Scarlet Rogers MD
Suicidal Running Title
Location: Infirmary
= E =
The CMO walked in wincing as her nose continued to bleed. Her hands went straight to some tissues that were on the side of a biobed and pinched it around her nose, soaking it in blood almost straight away. With a sigh you looked to her free hand, it kind of looked like she's murdered someone with a knife to a main artery, "Perfect." She sighed. Looking around she saw a woman looking at her. The young woman wasn't in uniform, "Lieutenant Quoicho?" she asked questioning her pronunciation.
"Yes." Nanee said grabbing something that was much more absorbent than the tissues. "Here this'll help.....what happened?" Nanee asked getting used to more walk-ins than she did on Zetari.
"Oh, silly little accident," Scarlet laughed, "I would shake your hand whilst I introduce myself but I know that you will get blood on your hand. I'm the Chief Medical Officer, Scarlet Rogers.
Nanee nodded. "I know I've been on ship for a couple of weeks. I just don't think we've been introduced."
"Weeks?" Scarlet raised an eyebrow, "I though you only just pulled in. I'm sorry, I've had a busy few weeks, so my days are a bit merged."
"It's trip here was rough." Nanee said collecting some gloves. "May I?" Nanee asked looking at her nose
"Yeah sure," Scarlet removed her hands and stood still, looking up to the ceiling a little, "You'll need to start wearing a proper uniform here."
Nanee nodded. Never understanding why doctors of all people needed to be in uniform especially with what they had to deal with. "Of course." Nanee said taking a look at her nose, "well it's broken."
"I'm fully aware of that," Scarlet winced a little, "You need to wear a uniform in my medical bay, I need to be able to distinguish between patients and staff, and I find that easier if we're colour co-ordinated."
"Of course." Nanee said again grabbing a piece of equipment and worked on mending the nose. "Okay there it is.....and...." She said as she pressed a hypospray against her neck. "And there nose is fixed and I have you something for the pain."
"Woop-ee-doo," Scarlet muttered, "Thank you." She looked back to Nanee, "Have you managed to familiarise yourself with the medical bay and all of it's equipment?"
"Not the bay but I know my medical equipment." Nanee said setting the equipment back where it was and starting a chart note for the chief in her medical records.
"Ok well, I suggest you take a look around because in a wave of injuries, like battles, you need to know where to be and where everything is," Doctor Rogers smiled.
"Of course." Nanee said again finding things different. She was a full lieutenant but her entire fleet medical career has been on a station not a ship. She had a lot of learning to do. "I appreciate your time to help me orientate to life on a ship but this isn't my first tour." Nanee added.
"It may not be your first tour, but it is your first time in my medical bay," Scarlet smiled.
Nanee just nodded as she finished everything up. "Looks like everything in order and I'll familiarize myself with your sickbay." Nanee added.
"Thank you muchly," Scarlet smiled, "If you need me, I'll be in my office Lieutenant.Wait, have you had your medical yet?"
"No I haven't." Nanee said with a little sigh hating this part of transfers.
Scarlet leant over to wash her hands in the sink on the side after she took off her bloodied uniform jacket, "Take a seat and I'll get to it now."
Nanee just nodded and did as she told and took a seat on the bio bed.
"Anything out of the ordinary lately?" Scarlet said as she flipped through Nannee's chart on a PADD.
"No." Was all Nanee said trying to make this go by as fast as possible.
Quickly scanning through the notes she noticed certain items not to bring up when it inevitably did come up on scans, "Good." Scarlet picked up a tricorder and did a quick scan, "Well you're nervous, but that's all I can see."
Nanee just sat there allowing the scans to be done. Nervous wasn't new when it came to her medical history.
"You just need to relax, as far as I'm concerned your fit for work and you know where the councillor is if and when you need them," Scarlet nodded.
"I do know where the counsellor is and I'll use them if and when I need them." Nanee said a bit frigid.
"Relax," Scarlet chucked, "Patient doctor confidentiality and all that jazz. The councillor's office is right next to mine, there," Scarlet pointed over to her own office.
Nanee nodded. "Are we finish here?" She asked not minding the chief but the talk of counselors always put her in a bad mood.
Scarlet was taken back a bit by the abrupt response, "I'm going to dismiss you but only so you can go back to your quarters, get your uniform on and then get back here for your shift," Scarlet frowned.
"Of course ma'am." Nanee said sliding off the bed.
"Good, dismissed," the CMO smiled awkwardly, "You know where I am if you need me, and how to get hold of me."
And with that Nanee left the infirmary and headed to her quarters to change out of her scrubs and into a uniform.
Lieutenant Commander Scarlet Rodgers MD
Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Nanee Quoicho
Medical Officer