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JDL|XO & aCMO|LtCmdr Dhej & Lt Quoicho|"Loyal to the Chain of Command"

Posted on 241408.04 @ 10:32pm by

Mission: Suicidal Running Title
Location: Various locations


Nanee put her CPaDD back into her bag after checking to see where the XO was, "Good he's on ship still." Nanee said as she left the brig. And headed for the bridge which was gonna be her first time on the bridge. She was glad it was now when only a skeleton crew was there.

"Commander Dhej. I need to speak with you!" Nanee said in a very demanding tone. At this point the fact that she was speaking with the XO didn't even register in her mind. Her patient was in trouble and her duty was to help her patient.

Karim, sitting in the command chair, turned as he heard her voice. Recognizing her as one of the medical staff he said. "What can I do for you Doctor?"

"Why isn't Lieutenant Commander Rogers allowed reading material in her cell?" Nanee asked.

Gesturing for her to sit beside him in the XO's chair, he replied "I wasn't aware she had that restriction. I will allow it, but only if it is a replicated physical book. I am hesitant to allow her to have access to a padd since she is in the brig." He didn't add that he wasn't sure if Rhodes would agree with his decision, but he needed to make one, and couldn't run to him for everything.

"That's fine......I need her to remain calm. The amount of stress she's under isn't gonna help heal any faster. And I'm sure the captain doesn't want to pull her out of the brig and send her back to the infirmary." Nanee said glaring at the XO still angry that her recovery was rushed.

Nodding, he replied. "I would agree with that assumption. I also can see you are....frustrated with not being able to keep her in sickbay. I'm sorry, but that is the situation we find ourselves in."

Nanee took a deep breath and looked at the commander and what he just said. "Commander we should never be in a situation where we're putting recovering patients in the brig."

Sighing, he replied "I agree Doctor. The captain made a decision however, and we must respect that decision, regardless if it makes us uncomfortable."

Nanee nodded as weird as that was she insanely loyal to the chain of command. "I'll go find some actual books." Nanee said standing up and heading for the lift.

=/\=End Log=/\=

Lieutenant Nanee Quoicho
Acting Chief Medical Officer
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-F

Lieutenant Commander Karim Dhej
Executive Officer
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-F


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