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Joint Personal Log|XO & waste|LtCmdr Dhej & Ens Peters (NPC)|"Fools Give You Reasons, Wise Men Never Try"

Posted on 241408.10 @ 10:59pm by
Edited on on 241501.06 @ 5:50am

Mission: Suicidal Running Title
Location: Turbolift/Shaker's Bar


Jon Peters had just finished a long shift. There was something about waste reclamation that just made him feel tired and filthy after a shift, even with Starfleet technology being such that all the waste material never hit air. It was normally the cleanest job on the ship, and he still felt filthy doing it. He needed to put in for a transfer to another department when he could. For now, relaxing in Shakers, and hopefully running into someone to talk with, would be good. He entered the turbolift.

"Deck 6, Shakers," he directed before he looked to see who he was sharing the turbolift with. Chocolate pools, and spots. He grinned wide. "Good Evening." Jon couldn't remember if they'd parted on a first name basis, or if he was still obligated to formalities. He just remembered a great conversation, chocolate pools, and spots.

Karim, having finished his shift on the bridge decided to go to Shakers for a quick snack then off to bed. Looking over at the man who'd joined him, he smiled and said "Good evening yourself Ensign. I see you are going the same direction I am. Feel like joining me for a quick snack?"

"I'd love to, sir," Jon returned, mentally sighing even as he continued to smile. He still needed to work up to first name basis, but the commander remembered him and invited him to join him. Small wins he'd happily take. "The gossip vine is on fire lately, I try not to listen, but... Well, is the Bimi station as interesting as they say?"

Looking at him as they exited the turbolift, he replied "Interesting would be one word for it. And please, drop the sir. We're off duty. I'm Karim ok?"

Jon's face lit up like a Christmas tree as he nodded, following Karim to the lounge. "The station's not good? I was hoping to get leave to go shopping, but it's been difficult since the incident with the Doc and what's the Intel officer's name... Rinehart? Is Doc Rogers going to be okay?"

Sighing, he replied "I'm sure she'll be ok Jon. But if its ok, I'd like to focus on getting some food and getting to know you better. I know our first meeting was ...a bit nerve wracking for both of us." Walking to the same table they'd first sat at together, he waited for him to sit, then joined him.

"What would you like to know?" Jon said as he sat, noting the choice of table. He glanced around for a waiter. "Ask me anything but how my shift went," he insisted with a laugh.

Soon a waiter approached, and Karim said "A Terran greek salad, with balsamic vinaigrette, and a large glass of Trill starfruit juice." Turing to Jon, he said "What would you like to order Jon?"

"Pulled pork sandwich, sweet potato fries, and sweet tea," Jon told the waiter. "Nothing like comfort food, and they make nearly as good as my mother," Jon explained to Karim.

Smiling,as the waiter left, then soon returned with their food, Karim picked at his salad and asked "So tell me about yourself? What do you do when you're not monitoring waste reclamation? Unless that is all you do..."

"I try to get into the holodeck to rock climb and hike when I can. I have a couple programs that are almost as good as the real thing," Jon answered, gesturing with a sweet potato fry. "One's Yosemite, on Earth, and the other's the Cliffs of Undalar on Bajor."

Nodding, as he took a bite of his salad, Karim replied "I'd like to try either of those out sometime. I admit though I'm not much of a rock climber. But hiking sounds fun."

"The only way to learn is to try, but we can start with hiking first. Maybe with a picnic lunch?" Jon winked, and took a sip of his sweet tea.

Sipping his drink, Karim replied "Its a plan then." Pausing, he said "I don't mean to be a downer, but are you sure you're ok with spending time with the XO? People may tend to gossip, and I don't know how you are about your personal life."

"As long as they're not following us with holocams or insisting you've got me knocked up..." Jon teased with a laugh. "If you'd asked me that before we'd started talking, I probably would have shied away, honestly, but I'm glad I didn't." He smiled wide at Karim.

Karim took another bite of his salad and then replied "I'm happy to hear that Jon. It's nice to meet someone who isn't just interested in getting to know the guy in the uniform, but the person underneath. If I'm being honest, it's nice to have someone interested in me for just me."

"That it is... do you know how many guys have turned tail on me when they heard I work waste reclamation?" Jon shook his head, collecting his pulled pork sandwich from his plate. "You intimidate them, Karim, I'm just damaged goods. What a pair are we, huh?"

Finishing off his salad, he took a sip of his juice and said "Damaged goods? Who said you were damaged? I for one look forward to getting to know you if you'll let me. Even though I have a few people rolling around in my head, I'm still a fairly easy going person."

"No one's said it, but I can't count on two hands the number of guys who mysteriously didn't have time for me anymore once they found out what department I worked. But never mind that... let's talk about our picnic date. Which program would you prefer? Yosemite or Cliffs of Undalar?" Jon took a bite of his sandwich as he waited for Karim's answer.

Thinking for a moment, Karim replied "Undalar. And a date eh? I'm a classy girl, so you'll have to woo me." Realizing what he said, he blushed and said "Classy guy I mean, sorry. Remember I told you I'm still struggling with the proper pronouns sometimes."

"Maybe if I can get over to the station, I can find some real bubbly? I think I have a pair of crystal champagne flutes I inherited from Meema," Jon mused, rolling his eyes in thought.

Laughing slightly, Karim replied, "Synthetic champagne is fine Jon. We'll make do. I'm not sure when the date can happen, but we'll work on it. I promise."

"Nothing but the best for my classy girl," Jon insisted with a teasing wink, "And no rush, I can be a patient man. Your schedule has got to be the more chaotic between us. You let me know when you're free, and I'll be there."

Giggling, Karim said "That sounds great Jon." Stifling a yawn, he added "But I'll have to take my leave. I'm getting tired, and could use a nap before my next shift." Standing, he said "Thank you for the lovely time, I look forward to seeing you again soon." Without thinking, he leaned forward and gave him a quick hug.

Jon grinned like he'd won a million dollars, returning the unexpected but welcomed hug from the Trill executive officer. "Sleep well, and I'm sure we'll see each other again soon."

Nodding, Karim smiled, and quickly made his way out of the bar, en route to his quarters.

=/\=End Log=/\=

Lieutenant Commander Karim Dhej
Executive Officer
USS Enterprise 1701-F

Ensign Jon Peters (NPC apb Pond)
Waste Reclamation
USS Enterprise 1701-F


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