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Posted on 241408.19 @ 9:02pm by Lieutenant Hans VonHeymann

Mission: Suicidal Running Title
Location: Xo's Office
Timeline: 241408.19
Tags: XO

Hans made his way to the XO's office. He knew that his colorful past might hurt him in Starfleet, but he was really hoping that on this ship it would be the exact opposite. He really didn't t want to start on bad footing,so to speak. Besides his extraordinary skills that help in Con's back home might help out here someday.

Karim looked up as he heard the chime, and said "Enter"

Hans walked in after the hatch opened with a confident Walk he stopped and stood at attention. " Sir Lieutenant Hans vonHeymann reporting in as Chief Tactical Officer of the Enterprise as ordered" As he stood eractted as possible he was waiting for a reply.

Looking up, he said "At east Lieutenant. Take a seat. I assume you have transfer orders for me?"

Hans handed the Xo the padd behind his back " Here you go sir, I hope everything is in order for your viewing." Hans was a little nervous of doing a good job for the captain and crew, Growing up he didn't care what other people thought of him he was a loner,however after he was adopted he had bigger thing to worry about , the other orphans who did not have anyone to look after them so Hans did.

Browsing the padd, Karim placed it beside him and said "Everything seems to be in order. Before we get started, did you have any questions about your role or the ship in general?"

"The only question I have sir is if needed may I go above and beyond Starfleet SOP if it betters the crew? What I mean sir is I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks and we had to do anything we can to get the job done. If needed i will do the same for this crew ?" Hans was waiting to hear if the XO had any questions for him?

Shaking his head, Karim replied "I would prefer that you not let a situation go beyond standard operating procedures. If it does, I want you to check with myself or Captain Rhodes before doing so OK?"

Hans smiled from ear to ear and replied. " As ordered aye sir! Sir do you have any question for me sir?

Shaking his head, Karim replied "Not for now Lieutenant. Dismissed."

With that Hans did an about face and walked out of the room and headed for sickbay for his entry exam.

=/\=End Log=/\=
Lieutenant Commander Karim Dhej
Executive Officer
USS Enterprise 1701-F


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