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JDL |XO & CMO | LtCmdr Dhej & Lt Quoicho|"Delivering the News"

Posted on 241408.19 @ 9:48pm by

Mission: Suicidal Running Title
Location: Sickbay

= E =

Nanee was standing in the cargo bay were all medical supplies were stored. "Once all the supplies are stored take another inventory in the infirmary, pull supplies if needed, if do get me inventory for both Sickbay and here." Nanee said looking at the physician mate.

"Of course ma'am." The petty officer said looking over the PaDD before heading out. Leaving Nanee in the cargo bay shaking her head at the amount she had spent on Bimi and yet it'll barely make a dent in her personal account. Just than her badge went off sighing she tapped it allowing it to be connected.

Karim cleared his throat as he heard the com pick up and said "Lieutenant, is now a good time to check on the status on the medical supplies? I am on my way to meet you in Sickbay."

"Of course sir, I have my physician's mates doing a inventory as we speak." Nanee said heading out of the cargo bay nodding to the quartermaster. The walk to the infirmary did not take long, "Commander, everything alright?"

Closing the com as he saw her walk around the corridor, he nodded, and waited for her to precede him into Sickbay. Walking into the main office, he said, "everything is fine Lieutenant. I just wanted to check up on how you were doing, and if everything is in order with the supplies. We are planning on wrapping things up with the station soon."

"I am fine. The supplies are being loaded as we speak, and you're lying to me. Something happened now I can't prepare for something if I don't know what happened." Nanee said looking at the commander as she leaned against the desk.

Nodding, he realised he appreciated her bluntness. Clearing his throat, he said "I know the captain had mentioned assistant chief, but with Doctor Rogers being lost, you can now assume the responsibilities of the post rest solely on your shoulders"

"What do you mean missing?" Nanee asked looking at the XO wondering if this ship was gonna be known for loosing officers.

Sighing, he said "We've received a report that doctor Rogers and lieutenant th'Zarath went aboard the station with two security officers. There was an attack, and the two officers were killed. We assume that Rogers and th'Zarath were kidnapped somehow, and are not able to be found."

What the hell was going on this ship first the XO goes missing, former CMO get's shot and now kidnapped along the assistant chief engineer. "Get the bodies here as soon as possible Commander." Nanee said pushing herself off the desk heading behind it she sat down and looked who her ME (medical examiner) was.

Nodding, he said, "They are being transported to the morgue as soon as possible Doctor. Do you need anything else before I let you get to work?"

"No Commander, I'll have the autopsy report on your desk by tomorrow morning." Nanee said sending a quick message to the ME and one to Alyssa she would need to speak with the women.

Nodding again, he let her continue her work, and quickly left Sickbay.

=/\=End Log=/\=

Lieutenant Nanee Quoicho
Chief Medical Officer
USS Enterprise 1701-F

Lieutenant Commander Karim Dhej
Executive Officer
USS Enterprise 1701-F


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