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Joint Duty Log - CO & CSEC - aCapt Rhodes & Lt Lucas

Posted on 241410.11 @ 3:33am by Lieutenant Alyssa Lucas & Acting Captain Mark Rhodes

Mission: Suicidal Running Title


After finishing up some paperwork, acting Captain Mark Rhodes made his way down to the brig to speak with his UFP guests that were tying up space in the brig. He stepped quietly into reception and down the hall into the Chief's office. "Everything prepared Chief?"

With a final word to Ryan, who looked slightly concerned as he glanced between her and the Captain. But with a nod he turned and headed on out of the area to take post outside of the Brig. "The camera's are off and everything is ready, Captain."

Mark turned out of the office and walked with the Chief in tow to Interrogation room two. Mark slipped inside and called to Lucas, "Can you please bring the prisoner in?" She turned and left Mark in the room alone. The room was plain, dull grey and contained 1 small square table, and 2 chairs on either side of it. One wall had a mirror which was a one way. Mark took the seat facing the door, laced his fingers on the table and waited.

She'd had a couple of her crew put cuffs on the man before they departed. Making it much easier for her, although she still kept her phaser in one hand. She wasn't stupid, the man had threatened her once, she wouldn't let him get the chance to follow through as she led him to the Interrogation room.

Mark was silent until the man was led in and forced into the seat opposite him. Mark held a blank expression. "Leave us Chief," said Mark breaking the silence. A second later the door was closed and the two men were alone.

"Going to leave me cuffed?" asked the UFP man.

"Yes," said Mark flatly. "So what were you doing on this ship?"

"I have told the lady time and time again," started the UFP man. "We were ordered to apprehend the CO and XO of this ship and anyone who stood in our way."

"I hear you have become uncooperative with questions. My briefs say that this is as far you go with the information?"

"Yes, because I am a good soldier," said the man with a cunningly wide smile.

"Well I am a good soldier... and I need some damned answers," said Mark slamming his hands down on the table. "I would throw you out the airlock if I knew there was no chance of getting information, and I am getting really close to that conclusion."

"Oh yes, the valiant, emotionally damaged, drunk of an engineer now has keys to his own battleship and he is large and in charge," said the Man. "Good soldier and all that, am I right?"

Without a second of doubt, or a moment of hesitation Mark stood up and backhanded the man to the floor knocking him out of the chair. The man started to laugh as he readjusted and sat up with a line of blood running down from the side of his mouth. "What was that about good soldier?"

"Now listen here," said Mark walking around the table, picking the man up by the collar and dragging him to his feet. "I don't give a frak what you think you know about me, what your briefings told you. That was a long time ago. I am going to ask you again... what was your mission?"

"You know what LtCmdr? You got me figured out. My mission was to collect every tribble you have on this vessel and bring them back to my superior officers." This threw Mark over the edge, he readied his free hand and punched him across the face.

"What was your mission?" yelled Mark readying his fist again.

"Take ever self-sealing stem bolt you have because we needed them at DS9..." Mark punched the man a few more times before the door to the room opened. He paused with his next punch and looked back.

Alyssa hadn't been overly thrilled about leaving her Captain alone in the room with the man, and paced in the side room as she'd watched. She'd watched Mark, noticing how he was losing his temper, hell she'd been in the same boat as he was in. But she also knew there was a difference between her and the Engineer.

With a deep breath, she'd found herself stepping back into the room. Her gaze locking on Marks as she gave a little shake of her head seeing what he was about to do, again. "Captain..."

"Can't you see we are having a conversation here Chief?" called out the bloodied faced UFP man.

"Shut the hell up," said Mark releasing him, dropping him into a heap of man. "Perhaps its your turn to talk?" Mark said to Aly. He picked the man up and put him down into the chair again.

"Perhaps that would be wise." Aly said as she moved over to the table, handing her phaser to Mark in the process before she hoped up to sit on the table. After waiting for Rhodes to at least step to the door, she then focused on the man facing her in the chair, one hand lifting to undo the top part of her uniform a little.

"Alright, lets talk." She said leaning forwards just a little to give the man a tease.

"You have heard what I have to say," he turned and spat blood on the ground. "Mid as well just kill me. I am going to sit here and do what I have been trained to do. Take the pain, take the punishment, say nothing and die."

"Killing you would be to easy, your father got off easy. But then.. your father was a weak, dishonorable, man. You don't want to be like him, I can understand that after all I wouldn't want to either." Alyssa said without taking her eyes off the man. "Then again, you sit there with that 'oh poor me, I don't have a mind of my own, I can only do what everyone else tells me to do" attitude. Maybe you are weak, worthless. I bet your have never even had a woman... after all, who would want one as pathetic as you."

"My father was ordered to his death in the Battle of Wolf 359," said the man feeling anger brew. "You know nothing of his sacrifice."

"And he went along with it, didn't fight. You think I would just do what I'm told to do if it meant my death. Hell no... but then I have a mind of my own. Unlike you and your worthless father." She'd picked up on what made him ticked and was planning on using that against the man. Something needed to get the man to open up.

"Yes, the all knowing Security Chief on high horse saying she would disobey orders," said the man with a glare. "Because you follow your captain's words to a 'T'. But then how did a Doctor manage to get away from you and get herself shot under your guard...?" he thought he hit a nerve. There had been talk and bits and pieces that he was able to put together, it was quiet in the brig, but not silent.

"I'm sure the man over there will be more than willing to tell you that I'm not the most obedient officer he's had to deal with. Because see, unlike you I stand up for what I think. As for the Doctor, she brought it on herself." A hand lifted, simply to look at her fingernails... ugh, she really needed to do something with those. Of course that tactic was more or less to give herself a moment to focus without letting on that the man had hit a nerve.

"Anyways, it's not me we need to discuss." She said, still studying her nails with foreign interest. "You know... it must have been hard for you when your mother died... suicide wasn't it? I believe that's what the reports said. Not that it surprises me, after all with a husband that wouldn't support her because he was to busy sleeping with that Orian slave before he got himself killed..."

"My mother was plagued with problems, just as all women are. Some more so then others," he said with a wink to the Captain nodding towards Aly.

Well that brought a little roll of her eyes and smirk before she looked at the man seriously again. "Seems guy can have mental problems too, can't there? After all, you were diagnosed with one yourself weren't you?" She'd had her contacts and had held on to some information to be able to use in this tactic.

He wrinkled his nose then back to a normal face. "No? What would- What would make you say that?"

"I'm a security officer, do you not think I do my research?" She said with a little smirk. "That's why I know you were diagnosed with a few things. Same reason Starfleet didn't feel that you would ever amount to anything. That's why UFP figured out you would be perfect for what they wanted."

"Someone has to pull a trigger... Someone has to break bone..." said the man looking at the table with a plain face.

"And that someone was you, because you didn't have the smarts or mentality to do anything else." A look of pity for the man touched her eyes. "In a way I feel sorry for you. To have to live like that."

"Some times you need a scalpel, some times you need a hammer," said the UFP guard staring Aly dead in the eye.

Her gaze didn't shift as she held the mans gaze hard. She knew better than to show fear. "Sir" She said to Mark. "Anything more you have for this man? After all, we got all the information we needed from the other one. He was much more cooperative in giving this one up for all his traitorous works."

"My men would never give up information!" shouted the man in a fit of rage. "She is lying!"

"Inwardly she was smiling, though she kept that straight, serious, face. "I don't know why you are saying that to him, he read the report." Of course she was really hoping that Mark would get the hint and back her.

"Indeed," said Mark pushing off from the wall he had been leaning on. "Throw him back in the hole. Everyone else seems willing to talk, so we will talk to them," Mark exited the room as 2 security officers entered.

Pushing off the table, she gave a nod to her officers. "Take him back. See they are fed. I'll be having a doctor come down and check on them." Aly said, now ignoring the man, she'd know they had gotten to him. But she wasn't going to play his game now, simply let him stew.

Mark exited the brig and headed for his quarters, shielding his knuckles. He didn't think it appropriate for him to be seen exiting Security with bloodied up knuckles. His first stop, his quarters, then to the bridge to make preparations for an away mission to the M-Class Moon.

Fluid steps carried her out and back to her office to write up her report for the day.


Acting Captain Mark Rhodes
Commanding Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F

Lt Alyssa Lucas
USS Enterprise


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