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Backlog - JDL |Lt Quoicho & Sh'eik|

Posted on 241412.16 @ 5:39am by Cadet Sh'eik

Mission: Holy Cow
Location: Sickbay

= E =

Nanee was doing her normal rounds mainly doing a quick check of the "pit" where all the walk-ins were seen. Than she moved onto recovery and ICU. "How is Mr Sh'eik doing today?" She asked the physician mate.

"Vitals are stable and his weight is coming back up. Memory is still a bit fuzzy but we believe that's from the concussion." The physician mate said handing over the Caitian's chart. Nanee nodded did a quick scan and then walked into the room.

"Morning Mr Sh'eik how are we feeling today?" Nanee asked.

The Cait stirred softly on the biobed, sitting up carefully, but smiling, "a bit of a headache, but I feel strong today. Thank you, doctor...?"

"Doctor Quoicho. Still having problems remembering names?" Nanee asked looking to see when the last neuro exam was.

"Right! Sorry," Sh'eik's ears folded back a bit, "I haven't really had to remember people's names in a while..." He hesitated a moment. Everything around him was new, smelled different... Right! He was on a starship! He looked up at the doctor smiling softly, perhaps a little dumbly.

"Alright we're gonna run another MRI and some simple memory tests." Nanee said ordering the tests and nodding for the physician mate to get the scan ready.

Sh'eik head tilted slightly, his left ear cocking, "MRI?"

"Magnetic resonance imaging; it'll help us get a better look at what's going on within your brain." Nanee said, "and the memory tests well allow us to make sure your memory is in good order."

"Oh... Neat." The Cait looked genuinely interested in the process, always eager to experience something new.
"Is there anything special you need me to do?"

"Just lay there and allow the physician mate to put the probes on you and let the machine do the rest of the work. Of course we'll ask you to perform some simple memory tests while the MRI is running." Nanee said with a small smile as the physician mate started attaching the probes.

Sh'eik did so, "yes ma'am." He was putting a bit of a brave front on, and smiled gently to the tech as they got him set up. To be honest it was all happening so fast, he was anxious, and the world was spinning around him, it all felt like a dream... Maybe he was still laying on the ground in the Persephone's ruined cargo bay... Maybe he'd gone mad in his closed off world. The Cait were a highly social and family oriented species of people. He'd watched every one he had ever known or called family, die and then been left to live with it with no outlet for years, how coul-.

*RRRRRWWWRRRRRWERWEEARARAR* Sh'eik's ears plastered to his head in embarrassment as his stomach made very plain how empty it was. He hugged his midsection embarrasedly, willing it to be silent.

"Hold on the test and let's get Mr Sh'eik some solid food. I think his digestive system can handle it." Nanee said nodding to the physician mate who headed off. "Alright let's get some food in you and we'll get the test going."

"I'm sorry." He said looking away, "it can wait, doctor. I don't mean to be a bother..." He felt suddenly very awkward and out of place.

"Mr Sh'eik I rather have you be healthy for these tests. So please eat up and than we'll try again. The physician mate well let me know when you're done eating." Nanee said.

=/\= A Short Time Later =/\=

Sh'eik looked on apprehensively as the doctor reviewed the results of his tests. Having managed to keep down some tomato soup and crackers, they'd proceeded.

"Well looks like everything is in working order. Your memory, especially your long term memory is still gonna take awhile to fully come back but I believe it'll come back in full." Nanee said with a smile.

Sh'eik smiled quietly at the Doctor. "I'm not so sure I want to remember everything....,but thank you doctor, for everything. I owe you and your helpers my life." He bowed his head in deference.

"It's what I'm trained to do Mr Sh'eik you owe me nothing I'm just glad that we were able to get to you in time." Nanee said with small smirk as she finished with the discharge papers, "alright you're free to go whenever."

"Thank you, Ma'am"
Sh'eik felt like he should be gathering up his things, a duffle bag, something.
But he didn't actually HAVE anything. Even the clothes he'd been wearing were reclaimed in the replicator, after being tattered beyond repair. He was wearing civilian issue clothing now, and unflattering at that.

He'd been assigned a commbadge which monitored his vitals and reported them back to sickbay if anything was amiss, and discharged from sickbay.
But discharged to where...?

=/\= End Backlog =/\=

Lieutenant Nanee Quoicho
Chief Medical Officer
USS Enterprise

Caitian Civilian
USS Enterprise


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