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JPL - aCO & EO - LtCmdr Hunter & Ens Peters -Bumps

Posted on 241501.16 @ 11:42pm by

Mission: Holy Cow

Adrianna was just on her way out of engineering, she was engrossed in some notes on her PaDD. Due to being unfocussed on where she was going the acting executive officer stumbled over a wire that was running over the floor.

Jon had his nose under a terminal that'd been misbehaving, and out of the corner of his eye he saw the calamity coming but wasn't quite close enough to actually prevent it. In the time it would have taken for him to say something, she'd already found the wire with her foot. He instinctively caught hold of her upper arm to steady her.

"Are you alright, ma'am?" he asked with a worried smile.

Adrianna chuckled, mostly out of relief of someone catching her, but also the embarrassment of not noticing the wire. She looked to where the voice had come from and stood back up straight, "Yes, thank you. To whom do I owe a beer for helping me not make an utter fool out of myself?"

"The names Jon Peters, ma'am," he answered with a chuckle. "And you don't owe me nothin'. We should be watchin' where we leave those pesky wires, not everyone has an engineer's inclinations towards placing their feet around obstacles with a near sixth sense."

"No, I shall buy you a drink, I might as well," she smiled, "You'd think an ex member of security would be a little less clumsy."

"I'd be willing to bet you have that six sense I talked about if you're running after a criminal. It's just going slow like an engineer you get tripped up," he teased with a wink. "I really insist, you don't owe me nothing, but I can't protest too much. You do out rank me, after all."

She chuckled lightly, "No need to think you can't protest over a drink. It's only a drink, not orders. I cannot give orders to make you let me buy you a drink." She thought about what she said for a moment, "Wow, that was bad english."

"Don't worry about it none, I won't hold it against you," he returned with a laugh. "Everyone gets tongue tied from time to time."

"Well thank you," she smiled, "If you change your mind about that drink, "I'm Adrianna Hunter. Come find me."

"If I don't ask where I can find you, I can forget that you owe me the drink without offending, right?" he teased. "I know I won't find you in security, since you did say you're a former security officer," he added.

"Acting Executive Officer," she grinned, "I'm pretty easy to find. Now you know, so now you can't forget." She teased.

"Now I really can't turn you down. A lowly ensign telling the XO no? I couldn't bear the shame of it. Though I do still protest that you don't owe me a thing, that will be the last time I say it, ma'am." He nodded his head with a small grin.

"Don't worry about it," Adranna grinned, "As I said, it's not an order, merely an offer of gratitude." After a moment, she had realised she'd kept this man from doing his job, "Anyway, I'm sorry, you should be working."

"No worries, ma'am, just glad to see you're okay," he insisted with a smile. "Have a good rest of your day." He waited for her to start off before turning back to the terminal he'd been working under.

With a little bit of a stumble, over another wire, the acting XO straightened her uniform and headed once more for the door. this time, however, she was overly cautious of where she walked.

=/\= End Log =/\=

Lieutenant Commander Adrianna Hunter
Acting Executive Office
USS Enterprise

Ensign Jon Peters
Engineering Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F


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