JDL | Cmdr Hunter & Lt Quoicho | "Still Exhausted but not Ready to Talk"
Posted on 241503.29 @ 8:29pm by
Holy Cow
Location: Various locations
= E =
Nanee was sitting over her desk looking over the reports on their supplies they had sent a lot down to the planet to help the bovine species. Which wasn't that bad if they didn't have several patients taking a large amount of their supplies and resources. Sighing she started up a memo rationing what they had along with a report to command that they were running dangerously low on several medications and other medical supplies. After the report was sent she leaned her head back and closed her eyes wishing that she was just a medical officer and not the chief.
Hunter was in her office and hit her command badge, "Hunter to Quoicho, can you come to my office at your next convenience please, I just caught sight of your memo."
Sighing she was hoping that it would've been at least until tomorrow that she would have to brief the command about this problem. "On my way ma'am." Standing up she took off her white coat and set it on the back of her chair and headed to the XOs office once there she hit the chime and waited for the invite in.
"Enter," Adrianna called out as she finished tidying her desk. She straightened a picture of her son so it was facing her and smiled. Looking up the woman nodded, "Take a seat, doctor."
Taking a seat Nanee looked at the commander, "I'm assuming that this has to do with my latest report?"
"Yes it does," the XO nodded, "I guess you're used to this now."
"Shouldn't be but yes I am." Nanee said stifling a yawn, "but this time we could be in serious trouble."
"On a scale of one to ouch," Adrian asked as she reached for her PaDD to start writing notes.
"Ouch." Was all Nanee needed to say setting a PaDD down with the numbers of how many red, how many yellow and how many green patients that sickbay could deal with, "at this point we could only most likely perform another ten maybe twelve surgeries along with their recoveries."
"Hmm," Adrian looked it over a moment, "I mean we are heading to a place you can restock, and we're doing it as fast as we possibly can. Do you think you can cope for the time being and replicate if needs be?"
"Not the meds and supplies we'll need for surgery but for anyone who is a yellow or green patient yes." Nanee said.
"Could you at least keep them stable if they did need surgery?" she asked.
"That again depends on what happened and why they need surgery. Sorry that I can't give you more definitive answers it's just that there's too many variables." Nanee said.
"We'll keep this ship as safe as virtually possible whilst en route," she replied, "So all I can tell you is that we'll do our best to prevent you from going over the tolerance for patients. As for you," Adrian sat back, "You feeling better?"
"Thank you." Nanee said knowing that this wasn't gonna be an easy job but it was still much appreciative. "And as for me still exhausted but still not ready to talk."
"At least you'll have some shore leave," the woman replied, "Maybe it will give you some time."
Nanee nodded, "maybe. Was there anything else I've got a patient that needs a lot of attention."
"No, that was all, dismissed, unless you need me."
Nodding Nanee stood and headed for the door, "I well let you know.......oh and thank you." With that Nanee left the office and headed back down to sickbay.
Commander Adrianna Hunter
Executive Officer
USS Enterprise, 1701-F
Lieutenant Nanee Quoicho
Chief Medical Officer
USS Enteprise, 1701-F