JDL | Ens Jones & Cmdr Hunter | "And the reports are in"
Posted on 241504.12 @ 4:07pm by Ensign Gordon Jones
Mission: Holy Cow
Gordon had all the repairs finished except the very, very minor things, like a few corrupted holodeck files, and a few missing replicator recipes. All quick easy fixes. He had his report in hand, and was heading to give it in to the XO. He got to the door, and pressed the bell.
"Come in," she called as she was approving of a report that had just come in, "Ah, Mr Jones, take a seat."
Gordon sat nervously opposite the Commander, as last time he'd talked to her he hadn't exactly been polite. "I have the engineering report for you ma'am." Gordon said, placing the PADD on the table and turning it to face her.
"Thank you," she replied looking it over quickly, "You know, you're only the second person with a report for me. I'm hoping everyone else will hurry up so I can get shore leave before he head back out."
"If you don't mind me asking, who haven't you got reports from?" Gordon asked, intrigued.
"All other H o D's," she groaned, "So, whilst you're here. We will restock as much as we can and so on. The jobs that you have left, any way you could find a way to complete these jobs before we head back out, even though everyone has been granted shore leave?"
"There's literally only a few five minute jobs left to do, and most of them are being worked on now, I have taken the burden of the last job that needs doing, and that's the holodeck programs that are missing, apart from that, it's all done!" Gordon replied.
"Excellent," she replied, "Please notify me when everything is complete and I'll approve of your shore leave properly. So, are you a little less stressed now, and better rested?"
"I'd hoped you wouldn't bring that up...but yes, much better thank you, and I do profusely apologise for how I acted!" Gordon replied.
She nodded, "I'm sure this shore leave will come as a welcomed break." She paused a moment before looking to the PaDD once more then back at the engineer, "I have no hard feelings about the incident we had, however I do want to ask you a question because I care about this crew. Each individual in special. If you like, I can just be motherly at times to members of this crew. In your personal opinion, I will not be offended by the answer and nor will I hold it against you, tell me the truth, the honest truth," she coaxed softly almost as if not his executive officer, "Is your new job title too much for you?"
"No ma'am, it's just been a shock to the system, the change of workload, I'm sure I'm used to it soon!" Gordon replied.
"You've got however long we have on shore leave to work it out, because no doubt you'll be thrown straight back into overtime quite quickly with the way things work in Starfleet," she smiled knowingly, "Anyway, anything else before I dismiss you?"
"Nothing ma'am, and the main problem was the fact I was down some staff, so I'll be fine, promise!" Gordon replied.
"That is not out of the ordinary after a blow like that," she shook her head a little, "It's going to happen again and again, no doubt."
"Trust me boss!" Gordon replied.
"I'm sure that you will settle into it, but work in Starfleet is unpredictable, so try and ready yourself as best as you can. It is a big responsibility, head of department, but you'll be fine," she replied before standing up, "Anyway, dismissed."
"Thank you Commander!" Gordon said, saluting and heading out of the door.
The woman smiled. As long as he found a way to cope under pressure and bite his tongue when needed, Gordon Jones was a good fit for his position.
Commander Adrianna Hunter
Executive Officer
USS Enterprise
Ensign Gordon Jones
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Enterprise