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JDL|Cpt. Dhej, Cmdr. Hunter, Cmdr. Rinehart, Princess Xue|"A Party"

Posted on 241506.25 @ 2:33am by Commander Tierney Rinehart & Civilian Xue'Daio Nox

Mission: Agua Mala

=/\=Deck 18, USS Aquarius Airlock=/\=

Karim tugged at his collar as he tried to get comfortable in his dress uniform. He'd always hated them, but it felt even more uncomfortable with the added weight of his rank of Captain. He knew he had to present a strong and confident persona during the party, and he was nervous he wouldn't be able to do so. As he waited for the others to arrive, he nervously paced the deck.

With Pal'Maar having been recalled to the Makta without any warning, Xue'Daio had found herself alone without a care in the known universe. To most it would have been daunting. To the young Princess, it was exhilarating. Even without his assistance, she was flawless as she arrived at the designated airlock. A message had come across earlier in the day stating that she'd be traveling with the Enterprise's command team down to Apsha, and of course, Aleine. Noble as ever, the softest hues of pewter and ivory graced her nubile young form by way of the long robe-like caftan she'd donned for such an occasion. Even the lowest lights and bits of shadow managed to catch and set afire the bits of crystal and sequin that lined the precious jacquard fabrics. "Captain." She greeted the Trill with a cautious smile, and the bright rose of her eyes roved the lines of his dress-whites as he paced like some caged beast.

Karim looked up as he heard the rustle of Xue's robes enter the waiting area. Nodding his head in greeting, he said "Good day Your Majesty. We will be departing shortly as soon as Commander Rinehart and Commander Hunter arrive. I hope they will not be too long arriving, as I know you are eager to return home."

The female version of the dress uniform was very uncomfortable, especially for a woman who rarely wore a dress let a lone a skirt. Regardless, she had donned the uniform and had just arrived with a smile, quickly saying goodbye to her son who was with the nanny close behind, "Captain, Princess."

Smiling slightly, he said "Good day Commander. Thanks for joining us. We will be departing soon. I trust the Aquarius has been prepped for departure?"

"Of course," she smiled, "ready when you are."

Nodding, he said "Thank you. We will be a small crew, mainly just you, Commander Rinehart and myself. Princess Xue will be of course relaxing in one of the lounges for the duration of the journey."

Adrianna just about managed not to roll her eyes at the princess' snobbish nature.

Karim bit down a giggle at Adrianna's reaction to his statement, and waited for Rinehart to arrive.

"Actually..." The Princess spoke up from beneath her hood, her hands clasped gently together in front of her, "I was rather hoping I could see how such a vessel... Works?" She left the last word as an inquiry as if second guessing her own request, not for merit, but for wording. It was no small secret that the Enterprise's Executive Officer held her in low regard and as such the albino hard nary a care for her or her lack of decorum. Poor breeding was, after all, just that. The woman was nothing more than a pebble in the young Princess' shoe; a common and easily remedied annoyance. She was just about to draw breath to elaborate upon her request when the sharp chirp of combadges rang and a voice called over them,

"Rinehart to Dhej..." The Princess instantly recognized the voice as belonging to the half-breed; the one she knew her mother would be most interested in, "I regret to inform you that I won't be able to make it down on this trip. Information has come across from the Vindicator's Intel department that will need to be relayed to our security teams concerning the Commodore and her details." the disembodied feminine lilt continued, and Xue nearly smiled softly. If the Commodore thought she was harboring any secrets, especially regarding her nobility, she was in for a nasty little surprise.

Suppressing a sigh, Karim replied "Understood Commander. Please join us when you are available. Dhej out." Turning to Xue, he said "I'm sorry about that interruption Your Majesty. Am I correct in assuming you wanted to be present on the bridge during our journey? To observe how our systems work?"

Xue could only blink at the interaction between the half-blood and the Trill. It wasn't her place to comment, nor did she care to. "Yes, Captain. I can't say that I've ever seen it done." She offered a polite smile. The bridge of a ship was no small curiosity; it was like a brain, a nerve center where the proverbial magic happened - and it intrigued the young royal as much as getting a peek at the Enterprise's main Engineering would have been. The knowledge to be obtained was limitless... And priceless.

Nodding, Karim replied "Ok Your Majesty, I will allow you to remain on the bridge during our journey. You will however not have access to ship systems, and will be only able to observe Commander Hunter and myself running the ship. The bridge of the Aquarius is not very large, so you will be sitting at a normal bridge station. Is that acceptable?"

"More than." The Albino bobbed her head in seemingly happy agreement, "To put me in any other facet would be..." She paused, searching for the word until her strange colored eyes fell on Hunter's form once again, "Stupid. I wouldn't know the first thing about operating one of your ships. We wouldn't want anyone to be hurt or killed." Xue gestured between them all before falling perfectly still once again. The promise of the sun's warm embrace and the sound of the surf quietly beckoned to her senses, compelling her to find solace in knowing they were only but a heartbeat away.

Smiling, he said "Thank you Your Majesty. If there is nothing else, let us get underway." Turning to Hunter, he said "Commander, please configure a console for yourself to monitor engineering and operations. I will take the helm console, and pair it with tactical." Moments later, they were entering the ship, and plotting a course to the Apsha.

=/\=End Log=/\=
Captain Karim Dhej
Commanding Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC 1701-F

Commander Adrianna Hunter
Executive Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC 1701-F

Commander Tierny Rinehart
Chief Intelligence Officer / Second Officer

Xue'Daio Nox
Crowned Princess of the Stenellian Ascendancy
Lady of Aleine
Regent of Apsha


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