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Chief Medical Officers Log, SD 241508.08

Posted on 241508.15 @ 9:18pm by Lieutenant Keál

Mission: Agua Mala
Location: CMO's Office, Sickbay, USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-F)
Timeline: 120 minutes after return from USS Aquarius

=/\=Sickbay, USS Enterprise=/\=

"Chief Medical Officerrr's Log, star date 241508.08. This is my first official rrrecord as the Chief Medical Officerrr aboard the USS Enterrrprrrise. Ourrr currrent mission is of a delicate diplomatic naturrre. I have been tasked, by the Commanding Officerrr, to rrresearch the anatomy of the Stenellian rrrace which inhabit the planet Aspha in order to rrreplicate and graft their physiology onto a fellow Starfleet officer. The purpose of this task is one of information gatherrring and subterfuge. The Captain seemed uneasy about the rrrelationships between the castes of this rrrather unusual species. Doctorrr Jonah Wrrright has grrraciously volunteerrred to undergo this prrrocedure and act as infiltration officer for this mission."

Keál leaned back, his tail swaying behind him through the missing central portion of his office chair. His report had been sent to the Captain detailing his procedure and the protocol that had been established allowing for the use of such ploys in the past. His main concern was for his new friend, Jonah Wright, who would be putting himself in harms way for this mission. He had met Jonah on the transport only hours ago but had instantly liked the human. It would be unthinkable should something happen planet side to injure or... well right now Keál didn't have time to think about it. He had inputted the design specifications for the needed replicated components of Jonah's disguise and now stood up and walked over to the medical replicator in the anteroom beyond his office. Larger and specifically designed to create medical equipment and medicine for epidemic level dispersion, this replicator would also serve the purpose of creating prosthetics for this mission. Keál keyed in the program and watched as the first component of Lieutenant Wright's new visage was created.

The synth-skin construct could be easily grafted onto a patient and would fuse and thrive as if it were their own skin. Each graft was matched to the genetic signature of its host so rejection was never an issue, nor was there any risk to the patient. Such procedures had been used for centuries in the treatment of burn victims throughout Starfleet. Keál sat the grafts in sterile containers filled with a nutrient rich liquid oxygen to keep them vital and moist. With the last of the grafts synthesized he turned his attention to replicating a device that would simulate the Stenellis bioluminescent effect. The ship's emergency medical hologram had given him the idea of a portable holographic projector and now all that was left was to marry it to the bio-scan repeater which would send false data to medical scanning equipment flawlessly masking the true species of the infiltrator.

"The components rrrequired forrr this rrruse have been synthesized and arrre now soaking in nutrrriox solution. I will be utilizing the ships EMH for this procedurrre as most of the medical staff are off hull enjoying shorrre leave.

=/\=End Log=/\=


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