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BACK Duty Log - SciO - Lt Nolan

Posted on 241509.11 @ 10:19pm by Lieutenant Jayne Nolan PhD

Mission: Agua Mala

=*=Cold Station Theta=*=

Lieutenant Jayne Nolan had always read the name on the wall of Starfleet Science Ops but he had never dreamed that his career would take him here as a jumping off point to worlds unknown. Cold Station Theta had always been that dot on the map where dots stopped appearing Director Coo had always spoke highly of the staff at the station because they truly were on the frontier both literally and figuratively with various known and unknown technologies passing through the station. New discoveries were always being made in this corner of space.

Jayne had been traveling for what seemed like weeks, but his trusty wrist crono told him it was only a few days. He had been on various ships, transwarp beamed a few times, and even spent an interesting night on a trash scow just to get to the station. Nearly a two weeks ago he had been reassigned, at his request, to the USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F. Having been in service for 2 years and working at Starfleet Science Jayne decided he wanted to get out into the universe and start seeing what was to see, and there was no better place then an opening on the Enterprise.

He was to report to Station Transporter Room 14 at 1200, so he had some time to wander before his arrival on the Enterprise. He was traveling light; all he had, other then his uniform he was wearing, was his leather shoulder bag that he kept with him. Inside contained a few personal effects, his research and of course his lab coat.

He wandered the promanade a bit, and for a few slips of latinum he as able to pick up a few trinkets and a few isolinar chips with things that peeked his interest. There were plenty of humanoids that he had only read about before, but now he was seeing them for himself. Every now and again Jayne would take a PaDD out of his bag and make a few notations about what he was seeing.

Finally he looked at his wrist crono and noticed it was time to beam over. Stepping on the transporter pad, having handed the orders via PaDD to the chief, he knew this would be the last time he be broken into billions of kiloquads of data then reassembled to get to his new home. And in 12 seconds time, he as reassembled on the USS Enterprise, his new home. As he stepped off the pad, thanking the chief, he knew it was time to get to work.


Lieutenant Jayne Nolan, PhD
Science Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F


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