Duty Log - SciO - Lt Nolan ,PhD - "Just Another Day"
Posted on 241601.20 @ 6:22am by Lieutenant Jayne Nolan PhD
Mission: Agua Mala
=*= Botany Lab 2, Deck 13=*=
Lieutenant Jayne Nolan looked stood over his work in an otherwise empty lab. He had been running CO2 conversion rates of a few of the plants he had collected whilst on Apsha 4 weeks ago. On the lab bench there were four large glass bell jars with different plant specimens in each, except for one that was empty. Jayne picked up his PaDD and crossed the room. One wall of the lab was divided into various botanical storage units to keep and preserve plant species for further research. He opened one of the doors and took out sample 234-6C. All of the samples in this lab were safe to touch, having passed intensive Science and Medical testing to unsure they were safe to bring aboard.
He brought the sample back and placed it in the empty bell jar, securing the chamber. He entered a few parameters into the computer than activated the test sequence. There was a slight hiss from the four jars on the table as the computer started the experiment and the screen of the computer terminal changed to a hue of red. Jayne carefully adjusted the test apparatus than took out his tricorder from the pocket of his white lab coat and scanned the chambers just to be thorough. With the adjustments complete the screen changed again, this time to a light shade of green. 'Time until completion: 07:59:59' ticked the clock down on the screen indicating that the test was successfully running.
Jayne pause a second and looked at his wrist chrono (19:43) and decided, since his shift had ended 2hrs, 43min ago, that it was time to call it a night. It was not an uncommon thing for Jayne to work well past his shift, especially if the lab he was working in was empty and quiet. He enjoyed his work and time seemed to fly when he was working. In his doctoral candidacy days Jayne was known to work well into the night, and a few times all the way til morning without noticing until the sun came up. Jayne was still like that from time to time, when the research was incredibly riveting. Running CO2 conversion rates was riveting to the point of 2:43 over his scheduled duty shift, but not so riveting that it warranted an overnight stay in the Botany Lab. So Jayne hung his lab coat on the peg near his lab station and exited the lab, slinging his leather messenger bag over his shoulder.
Stepping onto the turbolift Jayne called out "Deck Six, Forward," and the lift started to move under his feet. A few seconds later the doors opened up to reveal two frosted glass doors with the name 'Shakers Lounge' etched lightly in it. As Jayne walked towards the door slid open to the lounge. There were various tables facing out the windows into space, a long bar on one wall with a few quiet people sitting along it. There was an open area in the center of the lounge, that occasionally hosted dancing.
A small and cute, brown haired woman snuck out from behind the bar, "Your usual spot Lieutenant?"
"You know me too well," winked Jayne. "My usual meal as well please," he said crossing the lounge taking his seat, in the corner. A moment later the waitress brought his meal, a fine cut of steak, mashed potatoes and broccoli. Jayne quietly enjoyed his meal while looking out over the darkness of space. The ship was at warp, looking at the while points of light slowly stream past. He found it peaceful to watch the stars stream past.
He finished his meal and stood up and picked up his bag, slinging it again. Before he left he rummaged around in the bag and pulled out a slips of latinum for the waitress. "Meal was fantastic, see you soon," said Jayne to the waitress with another wink and exited before she could reply.
Jayne started to head to his quarters, making a few notes on is PaDD. Tomorrow was a new day in Botany Lab 2.
Lieutenant Jayne Nolan, PhD
Science Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F