Duty Log | Lt Sato-Pryce | COps | "Ystafell Ymchwil Gweithrediadau"
Posted on 241405.07 @ 1:19pm by Lieutenant Rhiannon Sato-Pryce
Where no man has gone before.
Location: Deck 12
It was 6am, an hour before her shift started, and Rhiannon stood alone in the dark and quiet room. It wasn't completely finished but it was functional. Enough to finally bring it online.
"Computer," she called out, "Activate Sato-Pryce Protocol Alpha 1."
"Acknowledged." the computer replied.
Suddenly the room lit up, consoles lining the walls began their short boot-up sequences, the large Master Systems Display on the back wall lit up.
She walked further into the room, running her hands across the various surfaces, each console had a singular responsibility. This one would monitor and control Sensor Palette power and output. That one was responsible any needed manual allocation of computer processing.
And there, at the back of the room, was her own office, from there she'd be able to oversee the entire room. The whole Operations Lab. Her Operations Lab.
She smiled.
"Ahem." someone clearled their throat behind her.
She spun around to see Bastion Forte, the ship's Quartermaster and Boatswain. "Oh, hi."
"Gotta say, Lieutenant, I can't help but admire your work."
"Thanks, but you know I had help from LtCmdr Rhodes right?"
"Yeah, of course. But this," he waved his arm around to take it all in, "Came from in here." he lightly tapped on her forehead.
Rhiannon smiled in spite of herself. "Well we'll see if it works the way I hope."
"Oh I'm sure it will."
As if on cue, the entrance doors slid open, and one of the junior operations crew entered, nodded to Rhiannon and Bastion, and then took his station (once he found it).
"And so it begins." Bastion said, amicably slapping her on the shoulder.
=/\= =/\= =/\=
Lt Rhiannon Sato-Pryce
Chief Operations Officer
USS Enterprise