Logging and "Puzzle Logs"
Posted on 241408.12 @ 10:58pm by
Hello everyone,
It has come to the attention of the command team that there are a few logs that are saved, but not posted as they are dependent on other logs being sent first. We have begun referring to them as "puzzle logs", i.e. one log gets sent, then another, then another can't be sent until the first one is replied to etc. This style of logging is not only inefficient, but also causes a lot of people who aren't involved in those logs to be at a loss. They may feel that since they aren't involved, they have nothing to do. This is not now we want this sim to operate. We want to be able to have everyone log when they want to, and bounce off each other, the way logging is supposed to typically flow.
So officially we are instituting a new rule. There will be no "puzzle logs" that are completed but not posted while waiting on other logs. Also, following a few logs that will be posted tonight by the command team, any saved "puzzle logs" will need to be posted as backlogs. Any concerns should be brought to the command team.
Also, on a related topic, I want to encourage everyone to try and log with each other more often. We have a few new players on the ship, who may be stuck as to what to do because the logs don't include them. This can also happen to more senior members as well.
Thank you for your time,
Cliff aka
Lieutenant Commander Karim Dhej
Executive Officer
USS Enterprise 1701-F
Category: Sim Announcement