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Greetings all,
I'm going to be quick here. First and formost thanks to the simmers that have helped keep Enty going! You are a valued asset and great friends. we're wrapping up the plot so any and all recommendations for awards and promotions need to get to me ASAP. I'm…
Author: Captain Cooper Williams
Posted on: 241804.05 @ 2:41pm
Category: General News
Current Plot
Hey guys,
Just want to make sure we're all on the same page with plot. I saw science put out a great log! and Towers Buen and I put out a log a couple days ago. I just want to make sure everyone has something to do. I'm working up…
Author: Captain Cooper Williams
Posted on: 241803.02 @ 11:54am
Category: General News
Hey All,
Sorry it's been quiet from the command team. I know we're all itching to have some fun but I want to make sure we're all alive and ready to roll. I'm also interested in seeing how many people are still interested in the current plot or want to…
Author: Captain Cooper Williams
Posted on: 241802.07 @ 12:33pm
Category: General News
Hey Guys...
Anyone who does not have an idea of what to log or hasn't logged needs to send me a starter ASAP. I'm trying to keep everyone going so that we get our numbers up. I'm up on the plot and ready to help get our numbers into satisfactory…
Author: Captain Cooper Williams
Posted on: 241710.18 @ 8:31am
Category: General News
Quick Question
Hey Guys,
Just making sure everyone is seeing the logs...if not I need to know so I can add you!
Author: Captain Cooper Williams
Posted on: 241709.21 @ 11:30pm
Category: General News
'Relaunch' of the USS Enterprise
Greetings to the best crew in the fleet!
Just wanted to keep all of you in the loop as to the comings and going of this fine ship. There are a few things that I would like to bring up.
1. Change of Command- As you all know by now,…
Author: Captain Rozen Coo PhD
Posted on: 241708.06 @ 5:09pm
Category: Sim Announcement
Sim Update: Change in Command
Greetings Crew of the USS Enterprise, greatest sim in the fleet!
I know there is a lot of craziness that has happened in the last few months with this sim, but I want you to know that that craziness is almost over! As of this evening, I, Robert, have been…
Author: Lieutenant Jayne Nolan PhD
Posted on: 241601.24 @ 4:55am
Category: General News
CALLING ALL CREW! [please read]
Calling all crew!
I know we had a crazy plot a bit before the holidays and the holidays caused a slow down, but I want to know who is alive? Who is ready to start playing again?!
Please email me at to get in contact with me, and let…
Author: Lieutenant Jayne Nolan PhD
Posted on: 241601.20 @ 4:52am
Category: Out of Character
Intrepid crew of the USS Enterprise,
Alright everyone, as you may or may not know I have stepped down as CO of this sim. I did not feel like I was doing what it took to run this sim. I am sorry to everyone along the way.
But in my…
Author: Lieutenant Sarah Cooper PhD
Posted on: 241411.14 @ 3:17am
Category: Sim Announcement
Per Roberts orders
Sending this on behalf of Robert...
Robby Cook: but from here forward, we pause.
He is/was currently in the process of deciding what he was going to do as departing acting Captain and needed to get a few things taken care of. That along with working with Mike to figure…
Author: Lieutenant Alyssa Lucas
Posted on: 241411.13 @ 5:27am
Category: Sim Announcement
Calling All Crew
Computer, open a ship wide channel,
Greetings fellow crew members. This is your Captain speaking. There are a few things I would like to address while I have a moment of your time. Recently there have been a few things that I as the Commanding Officer do not quite care…
Author: Acting Captain Mark Rhodes
Posted on: 241410.20 @ 3:06pm
Category: Out of Character
Acting Captain's Shore Leave
The Command Staff already knows, but I figured I would let you all know as well. I am going on a short leave of absence effective immediately through Sunday evening EST.
We are almost officially ready to go to the Bimi Space Prime Trading Center, READ THE BRIEFING when…
Author: Acting Captain Mark Rhodes
Posted on: 241407.24 @ 8:17am
Category: Out of Character
Change of Command
Calling all crew of the intrepid USS Enterprise:
As you all may or may not know Frankie and Mike have stepped down as Commanding Officer and Executive Officer respectively. A call went out for their replacements and Cliff and myself decided to answer the call. I, Robert, have taken over…
Author: Acting Captain Mark Rhodes
Posted on: 241405.29 @ 5:02pm
Category: General News
UCIP Outage
UCIP Members,
To make you aware that due to a billing issue, UCIP websites & Listservs will be going offline until the bill can be paid. Also, the Fresh IRC Server and Services will also be disabled during this period. will continue to operate.
All CO’s will now have…
Author: Captain Eric Carpenter
Posted on: 241404.30 @ 7:40pm
Category: Out of Character
Lack of Activity
There has been no logging activity since Monday. Now, I'm aware that things don't 'appear' to be moving, but Mike and I are working on a JL that has us arriving at our destination.
In the meantime, I'd like to see more logs from people, describing settling into their…
Author: Captain Eric Carpenter
Posted on: 241403.30 @ 7:34am
Category: Out of Character