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Joint Duty Log - CO & MO - aCapt Rhodes & Lt Quoicho - "Sorry to Thrust This on You"

Posted on 241408.03 @ 9:02am by Acting Captain Mark Rhodes

Mission: Suicidal Running Title
Location: Infirmary

= E =

Nanee was either in the room with Scarlet or just outside of it feeling she needed to be close. Especially with her coming in and out of consciousness a doctor needed to be on standby. This part of recovery was always exhausting for anyone working it. Nanee was no different stifling a young from the chair she sat in just besides the door that was slightly ajar.

Mark walked into Sickbay to check on the state of the Chief Medical Officer. The day before he had placed her under arrest with the intention to have her moved to the brig as soon as she was medically fit. "Lieutenant Quoicho, is it?" asked Mark approaching the door to the room with the guard standing outside at attention.

Nanee looked up from what she was working on when she her voice called. "Yes sir." She said standing up, "can I help you with anything." Finding it interesting how she was speaking to her superiors remembering just a few years ago how differently she would be responding.

"Just checking on the state of the Chief," said Mark.

"She's stable, still in a lot of pain and is still drifting in and out of consciousness." Nanee said in scrubs instead of the required uniform. She just found when spending long hours in the infirmary the uniform just didn't make sense. It made her crabby which made her patient interaction not favorable whereas in the scrubs she was much more content.

"Understood," said Mark. "The security detail has stayed out of the way and allowed your staff to work, correct?"

"Correct. They've been outside guarding I just don't know why?" Nanee said looking at the captain sensing that there was more to this than anyone was saying. Than again Nanee has no idea what even went down to lead the chief to near death.

"I cannot say," said Mark looking to Nanee. "But until further notice I want you to take charge of the Chief's duties in her absence."

Nanee sighed she hated secrets it never led to anything good. "What should I tell the staff?" Nanee said also not great with dealing with staff especially when they ask annoyingly emotional based questions.

"If anyone asks you will tell them that the lieutenant commander's condition prevents her from reassuming her duties until further notice," replied Mark somewhat flatly.

Nanee looked at the captain knowing full well there was a huge secret but again she was a doctor. She didn't get to choose sides everyone was the same when they pass through those doors. They get treated if they're the victim or the attacker. "Of course sir." Nanee said finally. "Anything else?"

"From what you can tell, we have taken on board all of the medical supplies Doctor Rogers required? Or will you need to disembark to acquire more supplies?" asked Mark.

Walking over to the wall console she inputted some orders pulling up the latest inventory. "Looks like we've everything we need. But I may head over again and see if I can find somethings we don't necessary need but may find useful in the future."

"Understood," said Mark. "You will go over with a security escort, carrying a side arm. That's an order," said Mark looking to Nanee. "Thank you for the good work doctor. I know being thrust into a role can be difficult. I appreciate your service thus far."

Nanee nodded she never enjoyed carrying a side arm but with what just happened she wasn't gonna fight that order. And as far as the security escort didn't bother her that much the outpost was shady at best and a escort would just make her feel safer. "Of course....the crew well always come first."

"Good to hear, thank you again Doctor," said Mark turning to head out of the ward.

Nanee just nodded trying to get a read on him and really the rest of the crew but that was proving difficult.


Acting Captain Mark Rhodes
Commanding Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F

Lietenant Nanee Quoicho
Acting Chief Medical Officer
USS Enterprise F


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