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Joint Duty Log | Cmdr th'Zarath & Lt Sato-Pryce | XO & COps | "Ac felly mae'n dechrau ..."

Posted on 241403.14 @ 2:16am by Lieutenant Rhiannon Sato-Pryce & Lieutenant Thelin th'Zarath

Mission: Where no man has gone before.
Location: USS Enterprise NCC-1701-F

Nerves weren't exactly something Rhiannon Sato-Pryce was unfamiliar with, but this was ridiculous. All she was doing was reporting for duty, she's done that almost half a dozen times before, why should this be any different? Just because this is the Enterprise and the Executive Officer is half Aenar and could probably read her mind. Just because this is by far the biggest assignment she's ever had. Why should any of that change things? She snorted at her own rhetorical thoughts, as she walked down the corridor toward the XO's office.

But when she arrived, she just stood there, staring at the call button. Other crew members were giving her weird looks. But she'd frozen, nerves had risen to terror.

Oh god, what if he hates me? What if he reads my mind and I'm thinking something bad? Why would I think something bad? Because that's what I do. You're just being paranoid and silly. Doesn't mean I'm not right.

Spending some time away from the office had worked wonders for the Andorian First Officer, the stress that had been building up from meeting the crew had bought him to breaking point, his assistant, the wonderful young Trill that she was, had suggested that he spend some time relaxing, now he was back to finish off the last of the crew meet 'n' greets.

Seeing an officer about to enter his office, the Andorian moved up behind her and fixed a smile to his face, "Excuse me, can I help you?"

Rhiannon slowly turned and standing in front of her was Commander Thelin th'Zarath

"Uh hi. Uh..Commander. Um. ... Yeah." she stammered before remembering her place, she quickly stood at attention. "Oh, ah, um. Lieutenant Sato-Pryce reporting for duty. Sir."

"Ah, Lieutenant, I was wondering when you'd find your way to my door." the Andorian replied with a gesture towards the door, "Please, it should be unlocked."

Rhiannon approached the door and it slid open, she was instantly embarrassed at having stood in front of an unlocked door like she did.

As she cleared the initial doorway, the Andorian stepped past her and towards the clear glass of the private office, his assistant coming to her feet as he walked past, "Crew reports on your desk sir," she called out before retaking her seat.

She smiled at Rhiannon, and Rhiannon smiled back. That simple gesture seemed calm her nerves somewhat.

Entering the private office, Thelin headed directly for his seat and gestured towards the one opposite, "Would you like something Lieutenant? Normally I go with tea, but my assistant can bring something else if you would like."

"Does she have a Forest Berries Infusion tea? I prefer to get fresh, not replicated. Replicated food just seems to loose some of it's life... But replicated would be okay. I'm a bit nervous, I tend ramble when I'm nervous. But I don't get nervous often. At least I hope I don't. It would suck if this was the beginning of some annoying trend of anxiety." She stopped for a breath.

"I would never have guessed," Thelin replied with a slight smile as the young Trill hurried in with the tray, "Did you catch that Katzi?" he asked his assistant as she placed it down on the desk.

"Yes sir," she replied, her head nodding quickly, "Unfortunately I don't have any fresh at the moment, but I can replicate some for you Lieutenant," the Trill added as she practically spun on her heel and headed back to the replicator.

"Well, I'm certainly glad you've arrived prior to launch, the Captain wants us ready to get underway and we need to find a way to coral the Chief Engineer into having things ready, the ship should be ready, but you know Engineers, never truly happy with a new ship." Thelin continued as he turned his gaze back to the Operations Chief.

Rhiannon remembered some of the work she's done over the years, "You don't know the half it. Tinker tinker tinker they do. And then something breaks and they wonder what happened... They're called safety margins for a reason." she let out an exasperated sigh, "Sorry, I just had some excruciatingly annoying experiences with some Engineers."

"I'm a former engineer myself," the Andorian replied with a slight chuckle, "So I understand completely how they can be when handed a fresh piece of technology," he continued as Katzi returned with another mug of tea for the Operations Chief, placing it in front of her with a smile.

"Thanks," Rhiannon said, returning the smile. She turned to the Commander after Katzi left, "How did you get your own personal assistant? I've only seen them with the Brass and such."

"I'm unsure," the Andorian replied with a slight smile as he took a sip of his drink and placed the mug back down on the table, "I only found out when I arrived on board and was greeted by this bouncy young woman,"

"Lucky you." she smiled.

"Perhaps," Thelin replied with a slight smile and a nod, "Have you managed to spend any time going over your team? I'd like like a report on their readiness once you're settled in."

"Not yet, that was going to be my next task. Once I've done that I'll get a report to you ASAP."

"Excellent," the Andorian replied as he allowed himself a sip of his drink, "I would also like you to examine the power transfer relays regarding the Phased Disruptors, work with our Chief Engineer and the most senior Tactical Officer to have them prepared for testing."

"Phased disruptors, sir?"

"You have not heard yet?" Thelin asked as his antennae narrowed towards the Operations Officer, "The Enterprise is equipped with the first in a line of joint products between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, our weapons are Phased Disruptors, you'll find their specifications in the computer."

" Ah, yeah I hadn't heard of them yet. I'll definitely familiarise myself with them. I'll make sure they're ready for testing ASAP."

Nodding slowly, the Andorian let another sip of drink pass his lips, "I look forward to reading your report on them, it's going to be rather interesting to see how they turn out."

"New tech often is... 'interesting'."

"If there is nothing else Lieutenant, I have plenty of paperwork to be getting on with and I am sure you are eager to get cracking with your new station," Thelin responded as he stood slowly, his signal that the meeting was drawing to an end, "My door is always open... metaphorically speaking," he added as he offered a hand across the desk.

Rhiannon stood and shook the offered hand. "Thank you, sir." she turned to leave, and as she passed Katzi, she thanked her for the tea.

=/\= =/\= =/\=

Commander Thelin th'Zarath
Executive Officer
USS Enterprise

Lt Rhiannon Sato-Pryce
Chief Operations Officer
USS Enterprise


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