DL || Cmdr Thelin th'Zarath, XO || "Transferring into service."
Posted on 241402.18 @ 8:13am by Lieutenant Thelin th'Zarath
Where no man has gone before.
Location: Ferenginar
=/\= Federation Embassy, Ferenginar =/\=
Blue fingers drummed heavily on the legs of a Starfleet Officer, sat in the corridor outside the offices of current Ambassador to the Ferengi, the crimson undershirt collar held the rank of Commander and was in stark contrast to the Andorians deep skin tone, his fingers stopped as one of the large double doors opened and an aide shuffled out and approached him, "Ambassador Rekial will see you now Commander," the Ferengi said as he gestured towards the doors.
"Thank you," Thelin replied, his voice firm and commanding as he pushed himself to his feet and fell into a comfortable step towards the office, he was led through two sets of doors until he came to a halt before a desk, the chair was occupied but facing away from him for the moment, the occupant looking out of the windows in thought.
"Commander th'Zarath, thank you for attending on such short notice," the Ambassador started as he turned around slowly, remaining seated as he greeted the Starfleet Officer, "I'm sure you're wondering why I've called you here, I could have forwarded the message to you directly, but I believe these things should be handled in person," the greying Human continued as he pulled a padd from the pile, taking a few seconds to check it was the right one before handing it to the Andorian
"It would seem that your time in the diplomatic corps is over, I've been asked to put you on the first transport back to McKinley Station," came the line that Thelin had been waiting for, something was being constructed and somehow he was going to be involved, whether it was as one of the project engineers or as one of the staff, whatever they wanted him to do with this project he was looking forward to.
"Do the orders specify why?" Thelin asked as he rubbed his hands together behind his back, this was the chance that he had been waiting for, ever since he had been critical of the Admiral running Versailles he had been pushed off into the Diplomatic Corps, Ferenginar was hardly a place that people wanted to visit, let alone be forced to work at for long periods of time, the Andorian had found nothing to interest him and had been restless for months.
The Ambassador shook his head and cleared his throat, taking a sip of the water that sat on his desk, "They do not, they only ask that you be sent back to the station," he replied, a slight smile crossing his face, "No doubt they will bring you up to speed once you are underway, there is a transport leaving in seven hours, bound for Starbase 001, you are to be on board when it launches."
Confusion was spreading throughout Thelin's mind as he gave a slight nod, "Understood sir," he replied as he ran through various situations that may await him in his mind, the Ambassador dismissed him with a wave of his hand and the Andorian found himself turning on his heel and striding out of the office, a new weight on his mind as he considered his immediate future, he had to pack up his belongings and have them beamed up to the orbital transport platform and then make sure they were placed on the correct ship.
Sliding his finger down the padd, Thelin scrolled through the information and found the name of the transport, the SS Ko'rate was resupplying on a round trip, their route took them along the entire frontier the very edges of the Federation, they were now heading back to Sol to deliver various shipbuilding supplies they had picked up on their travels.
=/\= Ten Hours later, SS Ko'rate, guest quarters =/\=
The room was small, much smaller than anything Thelin had been used to, on the USS Anderson he had always managed to get a room to himself, even as a Cadet he managed to avoid having a bunk-mate and had the room to himself, the room was made even smaller by the fact that it had a pair of crates stacked in the corner, containing the entirety of his belongings, the cargobay was full and they couldn't find the space for them.
Lying back on the bunk, Thelin found himself scrolling through the padd again, the Ambassador had been right, there were no additional details in the orders, it just asked for him to return to McKinley as soon as possible, the fact that it was McKinley calmed his nerves slightly, if it was going to be for anything to do with his past, he would have been summoned to the Starfleet campus on Earth or to Starbase 001.
Slowly, sleep came for the Andorian, his eyes fluttering closed as he lay in the bunk, listening to the constant, soothing sound of the warp core.
(To Be Continued...)
Commander Thelin th'Zarath
Diplomatic Attaché – Transferring.