Joint Duty Log |Lt Lucas & Lt Alessandro| "Locking the door would be wise."
Posted on 241409.21 @ 9:16pm by Lieutenant Alyssa Lucas
Suicidal Running Title
Location: Security
= E =
Ricky looked around at his staff, "so I'm not thrilled with what I've read, especially for a ship with the name of Enterprise." Ricky said quietly he knew he didn't need to raise his voice to get his point across. "So everyone on the list posted on the wall back there needs re-certify," Ricky said giving them time to check the list. "If your name is on there you've 72 hours to get the certification done if you fail to do so I'll be removing you from the duty roster."
With that the armorer's that didn't need to get certified headed back to work. Leaving Ricky alone with the ones that needed to do. "You lot I suggest you start pulling manuals and specs and start memorizing them." Ricky said walking out of the small break room and headed for one of the weapon workshops.
Aly was in the back of the workshop were the extra supplies where kept. Styles held lightly between her teeth as she stood on one of the chairs, opening a few drawers to check the inventory to the list she had. A muttered mumble of something only she knew as she recounted and looked between the draw and her PaDD again.
Ricky just smirked as he walked into the room, "I thought you had minions that would do that job?" He asked leaning against one of the work tables.
Taking the styles from between her teeth she grumbled. "I would if these ensigns knew how to count these days. It's amazing some of them made it past the first year of the academy." Alyssa said with a glance over to Ricky a moment as she turned slightly to look more at him.
"Well this isn't gonna make you any happier 1/4 of the armory staff needs to recert their qualifications," Ricky said with a sigh, "the report is on your computer."
Groaning softly, she gave a little shake of her head. "With everything else going on that was something I hadn't gotten around to checking." Alyssa said as she climbed down from that chair and moved to the table. "I'll look at the report a little later, anything else I should know?"
"The remaining staff aren't great which means I'm gonna be spending a lot of time getting them just up to par." Ricky said sounding a bit annoyed.
Hoping up on the table to sit, she smirked a little. "Well, you wanted to get back into doing things and making a difference. So now you have a crew to challenge you." A little sparkle to her eyes as she teased him some.
Ricky nodded pushing off from the table and walking over to her but just as he put his hands on her hips the door slid open, "oh oh shi - sorry." The young petty officer said.
"It's okay Clara, what is it?" Ricky asked.
"I'm having some issues with the trigger assembly on this type 3 phaser." Clara said feeling embarrassed but knew this was the smart move.
Alyssa tried not to chuckle seeing the young offers face pinken with her embarrassment. A slight lean to pick up the PaDD from the table she whispered softly so only Ricky could hear. "Next time locking the door would be wise."
Straightening up some she gave a slight nod. "Help her, I have some more innovatory to count."
Letting his head drop Ricky just nodded, "alright petty officer follow me." He said getting into teacher mode.
Lieutenant Alyssa Lucas
Chief Security Officer
USS Enterprise
Lieutenant Ricky Alessandro (apb Aza)
Master at Arms
USS Enterprise