Joint Duty Log (Backlog)|XO, CSEC, CMO, MA, ASCI|Ltcmdr.Dhej, Lt. Lucas, Lt. Quoicho, Ltjg. Lucas, Lt. Allessandro| "Planet Side" Part 1
Posted on 241410.20 @ 1:28am by Lieutenant Alyssa Lucas
Mission: Suicidal Running Title
=*= Transporter room =*=
Cat waited in the transporter room for the rest of the crew that was supposed to be going down. As she leaned against the side of the wall to rethink about the scans she'd had run after she'd been informed they were going planet side to investigate it. She'd insisted all would be armed, but for some reason that didn't make her feel any better. She knew a lot of people on this ship wasn't so trusting of her thanks to the situation with the Chief of Intel, and what happened on this mission would have an impact on things. Especially if someone got hurt yet again on her watch. She sighed softly as she pushed off the wall and paced a bit.
Nanee didn't do away missions in fact her entire career on Zetari she didn't do one and she liked it that way. But with being on a ship it meant she was now forced to do them. So with a type II phaser strapped to her hip and her handy dandy travel bag she headed for the transporter room. "lieutenant." She said with a polite nod of her head.
"Doctor" Aly said with a smile to Nanee seeing her arrive. "Smile, this one should be fun and relaxing."
Ricky was finishing checking his heavily modified MPAR (Marine Phaser Assault Rifle); modified trigger assembly, perfectly balanced, a top of the line scope and finishing touch was a shortened barrel. Than in the center of his chest he had a TR-110; the standard Marine ballistic pistol, strapped into it's holster. "Lieutenant's" he said with a smile.
Nanee looked up recognizing the voice, "Lieutenant Alessandro it's good to see that you made it off the station alive."
Alyssa looked over to Ricky and gave him a nod and smile before glancing between the two of them. "Oh, that's right.... I forgot you two would know each other." Her gaze went to the walk way to see if the others would be showing up also.
"Know is a bit of a stretch," Ricky said looking at Nanee only knowing her by rumor and it wasn't good rumors, "I know of her." Nanee smiled and winked at Ricky as she picked up on something between the lieutenant and the chief.
Aly glanced between them again with a slight shrug and smile, she clearly had note been overly worried about things between the Doctor and Ricky. Though before she could say anything she spotted Karim and stepped onto the transporter with the rest of them before they were transported down.
=*= Planet side =*=
Karim cleared his throat as he began scanning the area around him after beaming down. Turning to the group, he said "Let's get to work people. I want to get a good scan of the area. Please ensure that there are no plants, animals or organisms of any kind that would be a risk to our crew. Also if we can identify any edible foodstuffs to supplement our current supplies it would be a bonus. Does anyone have any questions before we begin?"
Sighing a bit as she looked around and realized that there was no science officer and that would fall to her. Pulling out her CPaDD she starts running a base scan hoping to grab something of use.
Her gaze drifted around the area a moment as she took in the sights. This was definitely one of the perks about being on a star ship and getting to go planet side. The beauty that one was given the chance to see was amassing. Of course there were some places one could do without seeing, but either way. The life experience was always a wonderful thing. With her phaser on her side, she started pacing the outer area of where they were.
Ricky pulled out four midsize looking flying bugs tossing them up in the air they sped off. "Alright these bad boys well be our forwarded looking eyes." Ricky said setting up his TED (tactical eye display) nodding to the other security officers to do the same.
Karim smiled as he saw the security officers release their little helpers. Kneeling beside a plant resembled a Terran pumpkin, he scanned it, and frowned. Clearing his throat he said "Doctor Quoicho, can you come here a moment? I need a second opinion on my little purple friend here."
Nanee walked over to where the commander was and looked at the bizarre looking plant. Using her CPaDD she started a quick scan, "it resembles something like a Earth pumpkin or squash, "but with a much higher protein content along with other nutrients."
Nodding, he replied "Do you think it would be a good way to supplement our current supplies? Would it present any danger to the crew? I know there isn't a lot of fresh food aboard. The replicators can only do so much."
Running another scan, "It appears to be edible but I would want to do further scans on the ship." Nanee said, "but I believe this would a be a good substitute for replicated food.
Smiling, Karim replied "Please take a sample and let me know the results of your scans." Moving further around the area he had the tricorder on active scan. Reaching the edge of a nearby cliff, he frowned at his readings, unsure if he was understanding them correctly. Calling over his shoulder, he said "Lieutenant Lucas, can you come here please? I'm reading some very large biosigns in the lake below us. I fully admit I'm not an expert on marine life, but the readings can't be correct. I've never heard of a being that large."
Nanee nodded hitting her badge and having Morgan set up a couple of bio-hazard crates on the transport pad so that the pumpkin-like plant could be beamed into them with instructions of what scans she needed done. "We'll have the results shortly commander."
Having jogged over Aly looked at the scans a moment with a cant of her head. "Yeah, that can't be right." She said after a few minutes. Taking her tricorder, she ran another scan and after fidgeting with a moment to adjust a couple settings she ran it again. "Here, see... it's multiple beings, like a pod of them, not just the one."
Adjusting his settings to match hers, he boosted the signal and said "I see what you mean Lieutenant. Am I wrong that they seem to be moving in almost an organized manner? Normally we would see aquatic animals moving randomly, seeking out food and such. My readings show they are actually moving in rather organized ways."
"Yeah, I see what you are saying. Without studying them more though. I'm not sure I could figure out why." She looked up from the tricorder towards the lake a moment as if to watch it for more signs of anything. The water rippled a lot from moments below, but other then that she really didn't see much and frowned. "We need an under water birdie."
Nodding, he said "Maybe the sensors on the ship will give us some better insight on these creatures. I think I'm going to head back and work on some more scans. Are you ok to take over here Lieutenant?"
"Of course Sir." Alyssa said with a nod to the Commander. "I'll see that we all stay safe." She said with a smile as she glanced back to the water again.
Smiling, he stepped away from her slightly, and after holstering his tricorder, tapped his combadge and said "Dhej to Enterprise. One to beam up." Moments later he vanished in the swirl of lights.
=/\=End Log=/\=
Lieutenant Commander Karim Dhej
Executive Officer
USS Enterprise 1701-F
Lieutenant Alyssa Lucas
Chief Security Officer/Second Officer
USS Enterprise 1701-F
Lieutenant Nanee Quoicho
Chief Medical Officer
USS Enterprise 1701-F
Lieutenant Ricky Alsessandro
USS Enterprise 1701-F
Lieutenant Junior Grade Jason Lucas
Assistant Science Officer
USS Enterprise 1701-F