JPL |Lt Lucas & Lt Alessandro| "Stop Hiding Away"
Posted on 241411.17 @ 8:01pm by Lieutenant Alyssa Lucas
Holy Cow
Location: Security
= E =
Getting pulled back as suddenly as they had, had left a bad taste in her mouth. Even more so as once again she was living though a command change. She was restless and couldn't seem to figure out how to deal with it, and hoped some time at the shooting range would help. An Ensign was parked outside the door to keep others out for right now, not overly up for being bothered as she took aim and started the program to test her skills.
Ricky was in his small office looking over some specs for some new weapons. When he noticed that the firing was closed but with someone in it. And seeing that the firing range and weapons lockers was his domain he headed down to check on things. "Ensign what's going on?"
"The Chief is in there, said she didn't want to be disturbed." The ensign said with a shrug.
"Get back to work," Ricky said glaring at the ensign as he shook his head. Ricky walked into the firing range just as the program was about to start. Slamming his fist into a large red button that stopped the program in it's tracks, "what in the hell Aly?"
The shot fired went.... no where... as she jumped and spun around. "Well so much for not being disturbed." Aly said as she looked at him with a slight glare and mutter. "You know, it's probably a good thing if I stay up to date on my gun testings too." That was her excuse and she was sticking to it.
"I don't give a shit about that. What I give a shit about is taking up the entire firing range for yourself. Seeing as this is my domain in security." Ricky said glaring back at Lucas. "And yeah I know you're hiding your shooting is just fine."
Damn him for knowing her so well! "Alright, so I am. No one else was in here so I figured I would use this area for a little bit." She shrugged a little and moved over to him "I just needed to get out some frustrations, and you were busy." Aly said with a little smirk at the last part.
"You need to stop this hiding away shit. Grow a pair and deal with these changes head-on. And stop closing my firing range I've got people that need to qualify." Ricky said shaking his head calling over the range master, "this is too never be locked unless by my orders." The chief range master nodded.
"Who the hell is chief around here? If I want to use the firing range I will. Nobody was using it or scheduled to use it. That's why I thought it was safe to." She gave a little shake of her head. "Damn you're grouchy today."
"You've every right to use the range but not to lock it and have it to yourself," Ricky said walking up to her, "and damn right I'm in a mood ever since we started talking again all you've been doing is hiding and that's not the Aly I know. The Aly I know didn't back away from anything. You've gone soft and a ship can't afford to have a soft security chief."
She paused as she looked at him with a scowl. She'd no problem standing up to him, telling him just what she'd thought. She never did, that was why... She shook her head a moment to clear that thought from her mind. "Your right, for the most part. Though this started before we started talking, this started when I came onto this ship. I haven't claimed this ship as mine yet. And maybe I need to."
"So go do it." Ricky said as he turned and headed back to his small office. Smirking slightly glad that he was finally getting to her.
Lieutenant Ricky Alessandro (apb Aza)
Master at Arms
USS Enterprise
Lieutenant Alyssa Lucas
USS Enterprise