DL - CHelm - Lt sh'Thrass - "Screwing On What's Been Left On The Ground"
Posted on 241412.02 @ 3:26am by Lieutenant Zhyalla sh'Thrass
Mission: Holy Cow
After her short conversation with Rinehart, Zhyalla had made a quick visit to the helm station to lay in the course for the Nirua home world, and left the station in the control of an ensign that she hadn't yet had the chance to learn the name of. She'd take time with some coffee later to go over the roster for her department, and learn their names. First she had to prep the Lovelace for the upcoming away mission.
She'd recently done all the system diagnostics before the transfer from the resupply ship she'd come in with, but it was certainly not a bad idea to go through them all again, especially before heading down to a planet that was unfamiliar to the crew. The last thing they needed was a runabout malfunction that came from nothing but negligence. So she settled in the pilot's seat, cued up some Earth Jazz, and pulled up the diagnostic systems.
She started with the warp drive itself, watching carefully as the system scrolled information across the screen as it ran the check. Everything seemed normal enough, except for a minor fluctuation that was within acceptable tolerance. She made note of it to go back to, and started the check on the thrusters. Those came through with a perfect bill of health, and she resisted the urge to tweak with them — another time perhaps, when there'd be time to test that her changes were solid and reliable? Likewise, the environmentals, the sensors, and the computer core all came though with perfect bills of health. Not unexpected given that this was a practically new runabout, one that had been sitting nearly completed at Utopia Planitia for most of the civil war, and upon taking control of the shipyard again had been completed, just to make space for bigger projects that needed doing such as starship repair and fabrication to build ships to replace those lost in battle.
The diagnostics done, Zhyalla moved to the warp core and its systems to follow up on the fluctuation. It involved the electro-plasma, which told her to look at the EPS-conduits first. She pulled out the tricorder from the engineering kit that was tucked away near the warp core, and scanned the systems, narrowing the issue down to one of the EPS taps. It only took a moment's effort to double check the tap's connection, and after minor adjustment, the readings leveled out. None the less, she put in a request to engineering for a backup part to be placed into the runabout's inventory — just in case it was indication of a larger problem — and flagged it as a priority given the pending away mission.
All that was left before departure was the preflight checklist. That she would come back and do closer to their arrival at the planet. Taking into account their expected arrival time, she directed the Enterprise's computer to give her a reminder with enough time to complete the check, as well as allow some breathing room. She set the runabout's computer to notify her if anyone else entered between now and then, and set off to fill the time between with another task. She had heard noise about the suspicious nature of the death of this ship's previous commanding officer, one acting Captain Mark Rhodes, and felt nosing into this would be a good way to fill her time. That, some coffee, and her department's roster would be enough to let her relax before this away mission got started properly.
=/\= End Log =/\=
Lieutenant Zhyalla sh'Thrass
Chief Helm Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F