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JPL - CIntel & CHelm - LtCmdr Rinehart & Lt sh'Thrass - "And You Want To Know Where The Winds Come From"

Posted on 241412.02 @ 3:25am by Lieutenant Zhyalla sh'Thrass & Commander Tierney Rinehart

Mission: Holy Cow

"I must have been sick that day at the Academy where they told us to bring a PADD to senior staff briefings," Zhyalla said as she came alongside the red-headed intelligence officer, said carefully to hopefully convey the joking manner it was intended.

Looking up at sideways at the Andorian woman, Tierney chuckled lightly and offered a shrug in return, "Some do it to try and fit in, others try to look smarter than they are and some are just smart asses with entirely way too much of an opinion. I think the lesson was folded into the one where officers are always supposed to think they're more important than they really are regardless of rank."

"I definitely missed that lesson," Zhyalla returned with a laugh, her antennae bobbing gently. "That or intentionally forgot it. Really could be either, I suppose. I'm Zhyalla."

"Intentionally forgot would probably be more like it." The Starling chuckled and shook her head. The Andorian's introduction quickly reminded her of her own manners and she extended a hand to the slightly taller blue woman. "Tierney. I take it you're Hark's quick drop off?"

"Guilty as charged, that's how you humans put it, right?" Zhyalla clasped the offered hand with a firm shake. "Prefer fighters, but not really compatible with the marine life style. So I ended up here."

"Fair enough. Only a few are stupid enough to wind up as Marines, waste of good brains I like to say." She grinned, appreciating the woman's firm shake. She wasn't going to be a flimsy fly-by-night floozy that had been tossed onto the Enterprise as some sort of quick brush off by the Admiral. It was clear that she was there with some form of purpose, whatever motive she had remained yet to be seen, but like all things in Starfleet, Tierney would come to know of it sooner rather than later.

"Most of the marines I served with in the fighter squadron were good people," Zhyalla returned with a shrug. "Things move faster, so there isn't time to question orders if something doesn't make sense. I guess some just don't snap out of it when things slow down. I ask too many questions, so I ruffle feathers in that sort of environment. The naval side's fine with questions, encourages them even."

"More things that are, without a doubt, completely true." The Starling nodded in kind. Marines needed constant motion, put them down for even a second and they were liable to explode in your face. Most of them snapped past retirement, unable to completely jive with the quietude of civilian life. "I'm glad you've found yourself a decent position on this side of the spectrum."

"So far, so good, it seems. You know anything about the drama with the security officer, what was it, Alessandro? That seemed a weird way to stumble into a senior staff meeting." Zhyalla could do little more than shake her head as she reflected on the man's entrance.

Tierney shrugged, "I really don't pay attention unless it becomes a threat to the ship." She admitted with a small, baleful smile. She'd long ago learned to stop trying to put two and two together with so many of the people that walked the halls. All of them were twisted in one way or another, some serving themselves with entirely way too much self-importance. Giving them all equal amounts of attention or credence would only serve to drive one mad; and for Tierney it would be a short trip. "It's Enterprise. Home of the weird, the unexplained, and the lewd."

"I see," Zhyalla said softly with a small head shake. "You don't look like you're weird."

"You'd be surprised." The redhead couldn't help but chuckle.

"Being Intel doesn't count, I've got my share of friends who wear the grey," Zhyalla returned with a laugh of her own.

Pausing briefly mid-stride, Tierney could only shake her head, "I suppose we're all allowed our secrets, aren't we?" She asked with a wink. Spying Karim, however, she hit the brakes completely, "If you'll excuse me, I need a moment with our lovely cee-oh. Been a pleasure."

"Pleasure's been all mine," Zhyalla returned with a small bow of her head. "Perhaps we can talk more another time, over drinks maybe?"

"Over drinks, another time." The Starling nodded and regarded the blue woman one last time before pivoting on her heels and taking wing towards the Trill.

=/\= End Log =/\=

Lieutenant Commander Tierney Rinehart
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Zhyalla sh'Thrass
Chief Helm Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F


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