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JDL - aCO, CIntel, CHelm & CMO - Cmdr Dhej, LtCmdr Rinehart, Lt sh'Thrass & Lt Quoicho - "Beastie"

Posted on 241412.30 @ 7:58pm by Lieutenant Zhyalla sh'Thrass & Commander Tierney Rinehart

Mission: Holy Cow
Location: Sickbay

Zhyalla burst into sickbay so soon after her call that under better circumstance she was sure she'd have broken some record. Right now, someone she was hoping to have as a friend was now passed out after two drinks, and she was worried. She didn't wait for anyone to tell her what to do, the first open biobed was where Tierney was gently laid out, and she looked at the medical staff expectantly waiting for them to swarm in.

After taking half a step back, she hit her combadge again.

"sh'Thrass to Dhej, Commander Rinehart is in sickbay. Thought you might like to know since she's your senior staff and I think your friend." Zhyalla looked down at the PADD in her hand that in the excitement she'd somehow kept a hold of.

"What in the hell is going on out here?" Nanee asked looking around at all the commotion as she saw physician mates rushing around a biobed.

"Commander Rinehart was brought in by her." One of the physician mates said nodding to the female Andorian lieutenant. "No call ahead which was why no one was alerted." He added. Nanee nodded watching her staff. "the commander is unconsciousness, slow irregular breaths and we're having trouble stabilizing her body temp."

Nanee nodded "Get a blood panel, get a nasal cannula and warm IV fluids a slow drip." Nanee said writing this all down so there was a record of her orders before she walked over to Zhyalla, "What happened lieutenant?"

"I did call ahead," Zhyalla protested, shooting a look at the physician mate, her antennae pointing in an accusatory manner. "Maybe engineering needs to check the comsystem," she grumbled, and turned her attention to Nanee. "I'm not sure. We were at Shakers, she'd only had two Risan Sunrises.... and next thing I know, I'm catching her falling body as if she and I had been knocking them back for hours."

Nanee nodded, "That was my guess," turning she looked at the physician mate, "order a tox screen as well I want to make sure nothing was slipped into her drink." Nanee ordered turning back to Zhyalla, "How well do you know the commander?"

"You mean, besides being senior staff together? I met her in my first briefing on the ship, and decided to see if I could strike up a friendship," Zhyalla answered, raised an eyebrow and quirking the antenna above it in question.

Nanee nodded, "Was hoping if you knew her well enough to know her drinking habits especially if she can hold her alcohol."

"No, I don't know her that well... but," Zhyalla paused, looking over at Tierney on the biobed. "If I had to hazard a guess, she's not that experienced. She downed the first Risan Sunrise in one gulp. I should have cut her off after that, but assumed she knew what she was doing. After the second disappeared so quickly, I did get her a glass of water." She frowned.

Karim had been en route to his quarters for some sleep following the staff meeting, and his subsequent one-on-ones with some of the crew. After hearing the message from sh'Thrass, he rushed to Sickbay. Bursting in to the bay, he immediately rushed over to Zhyalla. Trying to keep his tone calm he said "Report Lieutenant!"

"I'm still waiting to get lab results back but the commander is stable." Nanee said ushering them away from the bed so the physician mates can do their job, "Now I need to ask you Commander how well do you know Commander Rineheart?"

Zhyalla stepped back as Nanee zeroed in on Commander Dhej, and turned her attention to the PADD she'd rescued at the same time she'd rescued Tierney. She'd still be there when the doctor was done with him, but until then, the PADD wasn't going to read itself.

Sighing, Karim said, "I was actually speaking to lieutenant sh'Thrass doctor, but to answer your question I'm slowly getting to know her well. Why do you ask? What is wrong with her?"

"I believe she's succumb to alcohol poisoning, so I need to know if she can hold her liquor; according to the lieutenant it sounds like she can't, but I would like to get that from someone who knows her a bit better." Nanee said as the lab results arrived.

Shrugging, Karim replied "We aren't exactly drinking buddies, so I wouldn't be able to confirm that. I don't believe she's ever mentioned any issues with drinking before."

"So I was right she's succumbed to alcohol poisoning, but luckily we won't need to pump her stomach we'll just give her something to help her body soak up the extra alcohol." Nanee said reading a bit more noticing a odd blip on the results. Turning to her physician mate, "run one more sample but look for this particularly." She said pointing at something on the PaDD. The physician mate just nodded and headed off.

Nodding, Karim said "Keep me apprised of her condition doctor. I want to speak to her once she's awake." Walking over to Zhyalla, he said. "Lieutenant, you're with me." Moving to a nearby corner, he said "I want to know exactly what happened before she passed out."

"Of course Commander." Nanee said walking over to the bed that Tierney was lying on. "Increase oxygen by 2 liters." Nanee said nodding to the physician mate.

"I took her to Shakers to talk and people watch. She went from sober to drunk faster than I've seen anyone do so, and it was all I could do to keep her from having a split head too," Zhyalla explained after she'd followed the Trill Commander to the corner. She held the PADD at her side, tapping a finger on it. "I brought her down here as soon as I realized something was wrong."

Nodding, Karim said "Thank you Lieutenant. It wasn't that I didn't believe you, I just wanted to confirm everything. Hopefully your quick thinking will help Ms. Rinehart will recover quickly."

"I understand sir, it's always distressing when something like this happens," she returned, glancing over at the Tierney on the biobed. "Do you think I should go?"

Shrugging, he said "It's up to you Lieutenant. I can keep you apprised of her progress. If you do choose to leave, please take command of the bridge. I'm going to stay here for a while. I think it would be helpful for her to see a friendly face when she wakes up."

"I'll only be in the way here," Zhyalla insisted with a small nod. "Please do let me know when you know anything." The run down to sickbay with Tierney had sobered her up from the one drink she hadn't even finished earlier, so should not be a hindrance to taking the bridge as the commander had asked. She would put the PADD in her quarters for now, and get it back to Tierney when she was released from sickbay's care — after skimming the contents of course. "And please let me know if there's anything else I can do."

Nodding, he replied "Thank you Lieutenant. Let me know if anything comes up that needs my attention." Stepping away from her, he moved to Tierney's side, and looked up at Quoicho "Any progress Doctor?"

One more glance at Tierney, hopefully still her new friend after this, and Zhyalla was out the door and off to her quarters, then the bridge. At this point, all she could do was trust the medical staff on the ship to know their job and do everything they could for the petite redhead.

"Commander like I said earlier she is gonna be fine she's just gonna need some rest. Now if you could please take a seat in the waiting room I need to run some more tests." Nanee said nodding to the physician mate to escort the former XO to the waiting room. Allowing Nanee to activate the privacy mode the scan she was gonna to was going to hopefully verify the blood test results.

Sighing, he nodded and said "As you wish Doctor." Moving to the waiting room he nervously took a seat, concerned about what the results would show about Tierney's condition. He knew after the news of Mark, that whatever had happened to her was the last thing she'd want to deal with.

"Ma'am here are the scans." The physician mate said tapping a few things and sending them to Nanee's CPaDD. Nanee just nodded verifying that she was indeed in the early stages of her pregnancy. Tapping a few more buttons to check a couple of other things sighing a bit.

"Alright let's allow her to wake up," Nanee said writing up a few more orders, "let's get some fluids into her that'll help making he feel better once she wakes up." The physician mate nodded allowing Nanee to step out and find commander Dhej and fill him in on what she could the rest she would tell commander Rineheart in private.

Karim had been dozing a bit on the sofa, not being able to fight the fatigue he'd been fighting the past few days. When he heard Quochio enter the waiting room, he woke up and said "Is there any news doctor?"

"She's stable and we're gonna allow her to wake up on her own. There are some things that came up on her scans and blood tests that I need to discuss with her first and if she chooses so she'll share with anyone she wants." Nanee said looking at the commander, "but the one thing I can say is there's some inconsistencies with her medical records and what we've found."

Looking at her with unrestrained curiosity, he said. "Inconsistencies doctor? Can you clarify any details about what you've found? I'm more then a bit concerned when a friend of mine almost dies after having a few drinks."

"We found somethings in our recent scans that weren't documented in her medical records. Also commander the level of alcohol positioning was very low so she was very far from death." Nanee said reassuringly, "it wasn't the drinks her body chemistry is off which made the alcohol all that more strong."

Sighing, he replied "Understood doctor. Please inform her of your findings and let her know I'm eager to speak with her when she is up to it."

"I will." Nanee said as she headed back into sickbay but stopped, "sir sleep." Was all she said noticing how tired he looked, "and that's an order we can't have a sleep deprived commanding officer."

Nodding, he said "I will sleep once I speak to Ms. Rienehart doctor. You have my word."

"Commander," Nanee said sighing wondering why command staff were always so difficult, "I promise you I'll get you once she awakes which could be several hours from now. You're running on fumes. Now I don't want to but I'll relieve you of your duties until I see that you're well rested."

Sighing, he replied "Understood doctor. Forgive me, I'm just concerned. I'll be in my quarters if you need me." Without waiting for a response, he quickly left Sickbay, en route to his quarters.

"That's honorable commander but you need to think of the bigger picture you now have all these people to look after and you can't do that if you're sleep deprived." Nanee said as she watched Karim leave sickbay.

=/\= End Log =/\=

Commander Karim Dhej
Acting Commanding Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC 1701-F

Lt Commander Tierney Rinehart
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Nanee Quoicho
Chief Medical Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F

Lieutenant Zhyalla sh'Thrass
Chief Helm Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F


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