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JDL | Ens Jones & Ens Peters |

Posted on 241504.03 @ 7:37pm by Ensign Gordon Jones

Mission: Holy Cow
Location: Planetside

Gordon was making good progress but he needed help to get all the shielding systems operational on the planet. Gordon tapped his combadge, which he'd linked into the planets comms grid, to boost the range. "Ensign Jones to Ensign Peters, report to the surface please!" Gordon ordered.

"Sure thing, Jones, I just wrapped up that virus we were wrangling. I'll be down shortly," Jon answered, popping his tool kit open to double check he had everything. "Since you have such a good rapport with the doc, maybe you could tell her sickbay's systems should be ship shape now?" He chuckled as he headed to the transporter room.

"Quick as you can, I don't wanna be down here any longer than I have to be!" Gordon said, cutting the comm and awaiting Jon's arrival.

Jon rolled his eyes as Gordon cut the channel, and took off in a half gallop down the corridor. He knew things were urgent down on the planet, so he was as quick as possible to get to the transporter room. He directed the chief to beam him down to Ensign Jones' location. He materialized with his tool kit hanging from his shoulder.

Gordon was waiting for Jon when he arrived. "Right, we've gotta lot of work to do, and I have no one else on my team who knows as much about planetary shields as you do! I want you to get to work on the shields around compulsory areas. I already have shields in place over the med station and our position. The next priority will probably be the planets command center!" Gordon said, pointing Jon in the right direction.

"What is going on, Gordon?" Jon asked, coming to a stop in front of the other engineer with a raised eyebrow and a pursed lip.

"Too many people asking too many questions about too many things! The XO wants us to teach the indigenous to use our tech, but I've never been much of a teacher, and I only know the basics about the shielding, so you're here to do it instead....also I got a promotion..." Gordon said, wiping his hands on a rag and looking at Jon.

"Where's the Dame? Why isn't she directing stuff down here?" Jon crossed his arms.

"Long story short, she was requested elsewhere, so they shipped her off and the powers that be decided me and my duct tape would make a good Chief Engineer...god knows why!" Gordon replied, leaning back against a wall.

"...and your duct tape..." Jon repeated, his hand finding his face. "Lord have mercy, so what are we doing with shields now?"

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with my duct's red....and we need to make sure that the shields are extended around the rest of the facilities, at the moment it's only covering essentials like the medbay and command center. The problem is that the locals don't have the power needed, so we need to integrate our power systems with theres, but its proving harder than I expected. So we have 2 options, option one, keep working on the integration, or two; find a way to lower the power usage of the shield, without losing coverage or effectiveness. Which do you think would be easier?" Gordon asked, regretting his earlier tone.

"The shields are pretty efficient already, it's pretty unlikely we could get much better without making them unreliable," Jon pointed out. "What power systems are we trying to tie into theirs? Solar sails, or some sort of generator? What's the disconnect, wrong voltage, wrong current, what?" He pulled out a tricorder to scan what was there.

"The power system we're trying to integrate is the Solar Sails, that way they need replacing less often, the problem is that they're the wrong voltage to integrate to the local systems, the generators they have are just to outdated, the voltage is way to low." Gordon said, pointing out the Solar Sails and local generators.

"Okay, so we should be able to put together a voltage step-up converter without much trouble," Jon mused, his eyes skimming the data coming in from his tricorder and comparing it against what Gordon had said. "If the generators are that bad, we'd probably be better off bypassing them completely, but we can use their power cells to work as a power buffer; storing the excess on the sunny days to be able to continue to power the system reliably when it's dark out or cloudy. Though it couldn't hurt to put in a secondary source of power, in case they get extended periods of darkness." He closed his tricorder with a bit of a hum, and knelt down at one of the generators. "This might not take much work to give it a kick in the pants. Maybe just replace a few..." Jon trailed off, digging into his tool kit.

"I tell you what mate, i'll let you sort that out, and i'll go check on the other teams, and check back with you in a few hours, how does that sound for a plan?" Gordon asked.

"If you can spare a second pair of hands, send someone over to help me do this once I suss out what needs doin'," Jon returned, not looking up from the generator as he started yanking out parts.

"I'll try my hardest to find someone not busy." Gordon said, leaning off the wall and walking away from Jon.

Jon glanced up at Gordon's departing backside and shook his head a moment before getting back to work.

=/\= End Log =/\=

Ensign Gordon Jones
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Enterprise

Ensign Jon Peters
Engineering Officer
USS Enterprise


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