[Backlog] JDL | Ens sh'Chavah & Ens Kennedy & Dr Avery | "Busy Day at the Office"
Posted on 241503.22 @ 11:38pm by Ensign April Kennedy MD-DPM
Edited on on 241503.22 @ 11:39pm
Holy Cow
Location: Sickbay
= E =
Stahma was left in-charge of sickbay with the new officer as he second as the patients started arriving the physician mates made sure that all the tags were accurate and made sure they got to the right doctors. Because Stahma technically didn't have medical training outside of BLS (basic life saving skills) she would make sure everyone was being treated. "Ensign take beds 3 through 5."
"Yes Ensign!" April replied, heading over to the physicians mate standing by the 3 beds. "What have we got then?" April asked the mate, looking at the three patients before her.
"Bed 3 1st degree plasma burns on her hands and 2nd degree burns on her forearms, bed 4 two broken ribs left side and finally bed 5 two broken fingers on the left hand." The physician mate said handing her three different PaDDs, "the burn patient has been medicated and is waiting to see if any skin grafts well be needed."
"I'll take the burns first, pain relief for the other 2." April said, grabbing her medical tricorder and heading over to bed 3.
The paitent with the 1st degree burns on her hands and 2nd degree on her forearms was drifting in and out of consciouncess and the patients with the broken bones were fully conciscous and just waiting to see a doctor.
After having done a scan and ascertaining that the burns were full thickness, she tapped her commbadge. "Sickbay to Avery, need you down here for a skin graft on a full thickness 2nd degree burn to both forearms!" She said, walking over to the patient on bed 4. "Prep him for surgery!" April said after taking the scan. She then walked over to bed 5 and did a quick scan of the fingers."Looks like you've broken your fingers slightly there ensign...this might hurt slightly..." She said, grabbing the fingers, pulling them back into the right position and then splinting them. "See one of the physicians mates and sort out an appointment for two weeks." She said.
"On my way." Jackson said looking over the scans that were sent to his PaDD, "shit. Get the OR set-up for a graft." He said to the surgical nurse as he made his way down to the ER. "Where's the patient?" When he got there.
"Bed 3, over there. You've also got bed 4 with broken ribs, needs surgery. Which do you want first?" April asked the surgeon.
"Ribs." Jackson said sending a memo to the surgical nurse to set up another OR for a exploratory surgery. "Where's bed 4 scans? And send bed 3 up now and get her prepped." Jackson added looking over the bed 4's vitals realizing that the rib must'e punctured the lung.
"Got them right here!" April said, transferring the scans she'd taken over to Avery's PADD, before turning to the nearest physicians mate. "Take bed 3 upto surgery, i'll follow right behind with 4!" She said, pointing to the 2 beds respectively.
"No bed 4 first 3 second. I've got a punctured lung in bed 4. Let's go!" Jackson said getting behind the bed and pushing it out and to the turbo lift to get it up to the ORs.
April headed back over to the other ensign. "My patients are all clear, what next?" She asked.
"Bays 1, 5, 7 and 10 all need to be discharge after you retrieve their lab results." Stahma said handing her four more PaDDs.
"Will do!" April said looking through the PADD's information, while walking to the lab. Once she got there she found one of the technicians. "Hiya, I need the results for these 4 patients if you've got them ready?" She said.
"I have one of the three." The tech said handing her results for bay 7. "I'll need another 1 to 3 hours for the other three." The tech added.
"Ok, should the three be ok to be discharged, or would you like us to keep them in for obs?" April asked, looking over the results of the tests.
"The three keep them for observation." The tech said looking at his screen, "as for the results you've they can be dismissed it was just a bad case of food poising but operations or engineering should be alerted to check out the replicators wherever they had their last meal."
"Will do, thanks!" April said, heading back into sickbay and heading over to bed 7. "Right lieutenant, you're all good to go, just a bad case of food poisoning, I'll get engineering to check out the replicators, where did you have your last meal?" She asked, so she could pass the problem on.
"The lounge." The lieutenant said looking at the doctor glad to be getting out of here soon.
"Ok, I'll pass that onto engineering, and i'm sure they'll have it sorted no problems, if I can just get you to sign your life away at the bottom of this PADD for me, it's just to say your happy with your treatment." April said, handing over the PADD.
Taking the PaDD the lieutenant signed it, "is that all?"
"If you start to feel any worse come back here and we'll sort it for you!" April said with a smile, before turning and heading back to the Ensign.
With that does the lieutenant got dressed and headed out of sickbay.
I think, that's everyone done, we're just waiting on the test results from the lab, but they want them left in for observation, if you're happy it's calming down, I wouldn't mind taking my lunch break now?" April asked.
"Go ahead ensigns and good work." Stahma said making some notes and sending all the reports off to the chief.
Ensign Stahma sh'Chavah
Counselor (NPC by Aza)
USS Enterprise, 1701-F
Ensign April Kennedy MD-DPM
Medical Officer (NPC by Kaz)
USS Enterprise, 1701-F
Doctor Jackson Avery
Surgeon (NPC by Aza)
USS Enterrise, 1701-F
Various Patients (NPC by Aza)
USS Enterprise, 1701-F
Random Medical Tech (NPC by Aza)
USS Enterprise, 1701-F