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JPL | LtCmdr Hunter & Lt Quoicho | "Run Around Mind Syndrome"

Posted on 241503.22 @ 8:36pm by

Mission: Holy Cow
Location: Lounge

= E =

Nanee was exhausted not so much from work more from unable to sleep everything that happened on Zetari had finally caught up to her. Especially the loss of her child and the fact she couldn't have anymore. So it was once again early morning when she made her way down to the lounge and ordered a Drava tea. Sipping on it slowly she just stared out of the portholes looking out into the blackness of space.

"You alright there doc?" Adrianna was just heading back to her quarters having had a meeting with a member of security who wanted a word before the end of shift.

"Just dandy." Nanee said sarcastically and exhausted all at the same time, "nothing like being up at the wee hours of the morning."

Adrianna smiled, "I know that feeling well. You want to talk?"

"No I want to sleep." Nanee said looking at the commander, "my apologies. Everything that I was running from has just caught up with me."

"Perhaps it's time to stop running or attempting to run, and start facing it," Adrianna offered, "Sounds to me like you have R.A.M.S as my parents would call it."

Nanee just look at the commander confused.

"Run around mind syndrome," the woman clarified.

"Have you ever lost a child but didn't know until it was all the way to term and than get told that you couldn't have kids ever?" Nanee asked looking at the commander, "and if you had would you be stepping up to talk about it."

"We tried for a long time, but no, I never had a miscarriage, but if I knew it would help if I had, then yes I would talk about it," Adrianna replied, "I am all ears if you ever need someone to talk to though. Shrinks are painful to talk to after all."

Nanee just nodded setting her tea down, "I don't know what to talk about?"

"Perhaps why it's so painful to you and keeping you from slumber," the woman replied honestly sitting down opposite the doctor, stiffly as it had been a long day.

"I never wanted children until I was pregnant and now I can never have them. How is that fair?" Nanee said pleadingly looking at the commander.

"It's not," it was an easy and honest response, "I guess you only know you want something when you can't have it."

Closing her hands into a fist as she started feeling them to shake, "I guess so." Nanee said taking another sip of her tea, "I saw you came into sickbay with your boy. Is everything alright with him?"

"Yeah," Adrianna smiled, "You can't kid proof everything. He hit his head whilst trying to stand up and one of my ornaments fell off and broke on his noggin. He's fine though. Avery dealt with it, I think."

"Doctor Avery dealt with a kid I would've liked to see that." Nanee said knowing that Jackson was a good doctor she just didn't see him being good with kids or their parents. "I'm glad he was able to help. Also how was he down on the planet helping with the casualties?"

"He did a great job, he's oddly good with kids, a little awkward, but good," Adrian chuckled a little, "As for him, planet side: he did great. I think the colony was happy with his work."

"Good good," Nanee said making some mental notes about him. "He's good at what he does but......." Nanee stopped trying to think of the right word, "he just doesn't fit in this world and he doesn't try to."

"What do you mean he doesn't fit? He does his job, surely that's all that matters?" Adrian was genuinely curious.

"That's correct he does his job but doesn't try to do anything more. He says he wants to experience new things and see new things but bitches and gripes about going on away missions that'll allow him to see those new things." Nanee said looking at the commander.

The woman pondered a moment on that, "What is it he bitches about after being planet side?"

"It's not after it's prior. It's the protocols that we need to follow, it's the rules and regulations which doesn't make any sense seeing as if he was working as a civilian doctor he would have the same damn rules and regulations we have." Nanee said shaking her head. "It's just so damn frustrating to deal with his complaining of them day in and day out."

"He wants something for nothing by the sounds of it," she nodded, "But by the way you are bitching about him, I'd say this was like a playground, or high school. You like him." Adrian stood up and picked up her PaDD.

Scowling at the commander, "I do not." And with that Nanee stood, "I better get back to my quarters I need to get some sleep before my shift." And with that Nanee excused herself and left the lounge.

Yup, she liked him alright. Adrianna knew it when she saw it.

Lieutenant Commander Adrianna Hunter
Executive Officer
USS Enterprise, 1701-F

Lieutenant Nanee Quoicho
Chief Medical Officer
USS Enterprise-1701-F


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