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JPL (Backlog)|Cpt. Dhej,'Thrass|"Closure" Part 6 (Mavala)

Posted on 241505.23 @ 2:06am by Lieutenant Zhyalla sh'Thrass

Mission: Agua Mala

=/\=Meeting Room Cold Station Theta=/\=

As the doors opened to admit the next participant, the Guardian nodded and said "Hello Zhyalla sh'Thrass. Please, take a seat, we will begin as soon as you are comfortable."

"Sure thing," Zhyalla said, looking around the room slowly as she settled in the indicated seat.

The Guardian nodded as she sat, and approached her saying "This device will allow you to telepathically connect to the memories of Mavala. You will be present during the meeting, but more as an observer. The memories and personality of Mavala will lead the meeting, but you can end the experience at any time."

"Very cool, ready when you are, bubble," she answered with a grin, sitting up straighter in her seat.

The Guardian pressed a control on the device, then stepped back as the connection was established.

Karim entered the room a few moments later, needing a moment to compose himself after the previous meeting. This meeting however, was one he was probably the most nervous about.

Mavala-Zhyalla sat in the chair, considering the form that had entered the room. She consider his build, his expression on his face, and all the little details. If this was for any other reason, if he wasn't the new host of the Dhej symbiont and if she hadn't previously served with him before he'd joined with it, she would have assumed he was up to no good for how nervous he was. She decided to give him a moment and see what he did.

Karim saw Zhyalla sitting looking at him with a confused expression. He knew it was probably because Mavala had actually served with him, even though they weren't really close friends.

"I won't bite, I assure you," she finally said, breaking the silence. A playful smirk painted her lips as she stood. The shy doctor was starting to come into his own, she knew he'd come so far from the man she'd seen around Hera before that fateful away mission. "Unless you're up to something illegal, then we'll see what I can do from within this body to apprehend you." She looked down at herself a moment, looking at Zhyalla's nails and the blue skin by holding out her hand at arm's length.

Not knowing what to say, Karim took a moment, and said quietly "You're aware that you aren't really here? That you are participating in the zhian'tara ritual?"

"Blue skin, antenna, height's wrong, the muscles are leaner... this isn't my body. Easy to deduce why," she explained as she paced towards Karim, hands folded behind her back. She inspected him closer, circling around him once. "The last thing I remember is sickbay, and even that's hazy. I know you," she insisted, pointing her finger at him a moment before folding it back into her other behind her back. "...even if we never really interacted. The thought, 'what if something happens?' always lingered in the back of my mind, especially given my job. I'd given your record a skim — as much of it as I could read at least. In case the commission couldn't collect Dhej in time if the worst happened. Which apparently it did." A soft sigh, and she rocked back on her heels as she looked up at Karim.

Karim stood in shock at how calmly Mavala had excepted her current status. He had been expecting her to be furious with him about not being able to save her. Her quiet acceptance of things had rattled him. Quietly he said "I don't know what to say to you Mavala. You are the one host I was most afraid of meeting. Since I knew you before your death, I was worried you'd blame me for not being able to save you..."

"Do you want me to yell at you? Antennae thrashing in this odd body, tainting your view of... what's the name of the woman's who's body I'm in?" She paused, making a face of consideration. "There's no point getting upset over what can't be changed. Part of what we sign up for is the good of the symbiont after all, isn't it? So, to see that I get to live on through you, that I carried Dhej safely long enough for it to reach you, it's reassuring. There's always that little nagging worry that you'll be the one who fails to see the symbiont safely to its next host, isn't there?"

Smiling slightly, Karim relaxed a bit and replied "I'm happy to hear that Mavala. I did what I thought was right joining with Dhej, even though the Commission didn't like it. I won't lie, its been a bit difficult adjusting to being joined. It wasn't exactly under ideal circumstances."

"Were there extenuating circumstances that meant that Dhej wasn't going to make it back to the commission at the time?" she asked with a soft frown. She nodded to the sofa in the room, to indicate they should sit as they talked.

Crossing to the sofa, Karim sat, and replied "Yes there were circumstances. You were dying, since your injuries during the away mission were too extensive to save you. We were too far away to return Dhej safely to the Commission, so I made the only decision I could, and joined with the symbiont. You wouldn't believe the amount of messages I received after I informed them of what happened."

"I have no doubt, they get upset when they aren't thoroughly involved," she returned as she settled herself next to him. She reclined back into the cushions, arms spread on the back of the couch and legs crossed at the knee. "They mean the best, which is why we put up with it, but sometimes you just wish they'd give you room to breathe, right?"

Nodding, he said "Exactly. They were especially annoyed when I chose to take a leave of absence and recover at Starfleet Medical. It was hard for me to adjust to being joined. Initially I wasn't sure how to handle all of the memories of the past hosts. Your memories were particularly strong, and ... painful."

"I was the only tragic ending, after all, and I'm the most recent before you. It makes sense that my memories would be the strongest," she insisted with a shrug. "This is why the commission was upset that you chose to hide in Starfleet medical, instead of accepting their guidance. They have experience dealing with this sort of host transition."

Frowning, he said bluntly "I understand they have experience, but they also are a bit too ... demanding in their methods. They attempted to ask me to consider resigning my commission so I could focus on my new life with Dhej. They argued that the life of a Starfleet officer had already been lived, and that I should experience something more interesting." Sighing, he added "I'm sorry, I'm just frustrated, perhaps that's something I gained from you. I remember you were always a bit ...emotional at times."

"Emotional?" A smirk drew across her lips. "I was passionate. About my job, about the well being of the crew, about gaining new experiences for Dhej. Occasionally the only way to get through to people was letting that passion show through with a raised voice, or getting into their personal space. You would be amazed at how many people won't listen when all you're doing is trying to help them." She chewed her lip for a moment, and then shook her head. "I am confused though, why they'd tell you that Dhej shouldn't have another experience in starfleet. You're in an entirely different discipline from what I was, and therefore, would be a unique experience still."

Shaking his head, he said "You would think the Commission would be open to that, they usually are. Unfortunately I think my parents had something to do with their 'recommendation'. My parents were never open to the idea of me leaving the Homeworld. They had plans for me to work with the Commission, and dreams of me one day leading it." Pausing, he sighed and added "They also have a lot of influence over those in power right now, as they have very deep pockets."

"Parents meddling with their children's lives is a song as old as time, isn't it?" she allowed with a soft frown. "The commission is such a competitive place, if your heart wasn't in it, you weren't going to rise to the top anyways. Surely they know that?"

Smirking, he said "One thing my parents don't do well is see the reality of things in front of them. They think that because their dreams are lofty, that I should share them regardless of my own feelings."

"A human I met once, she told me about a coffee circle she'd joined, raised by narcissists. It sounds like you, we, qualify. Maybe I'll remember her name and her posting before we're done here... or if not, it'll drift up in my memories later, and you can get in touch?" She sighed softly. "At least you're still pursuing the life you want, right?"

Smiling, he said "I'm living the life I never thought I would. When you knew me I was a doctor, and a damn good one if I say so myself. Now I'm captain of the Enterprise." Pausing, he added sadly "I need to be honest with you Mavala. I was nervous meeting you. I wasn't sure how I'd take it since we knew each other personally. I feel relief and a sense of closure that we were able to talk, and get to know each other a bit better."

"I'm glad," she returned, reaching out to clasp his hands. "I am so glad to see you rise to this challenge. You will be a wonderful contribution to the Dhej legacy, I just know it."

Squeezing her hands gently, he said "Thank you Mavala. I appreciate that. Can I tell you something funny, that I think is partially your fault in a way?"

"My fault?" She laughed and shook her head. "You don't have a shred of evidence I did anything. But what are you accusing me of?" She winked.

Smiling, he said "I have a good female friend, and when we were first getting to know each other I said 'we girls need to stick together'. I know that was your fault, because some of your memories were still at the forefront of my mind, so soon after joining." Giggling, he added "I was so embarrassed, but she didn't seem to mind."

"We girl do need to stick together. The universe is such a cold dark place, and we sometimes have to do things that aren't fun... so always keep your girlfriend close, especially, if your men go tromping all over your heart. If I remember correctly, your eye did lead you towards the men, right? Do you have anyone?"

Blushing, he replied "You always did seem to know me better than I thought you did. In fact I do have someone, sort of. His name is Jon, and we're just kind of seeing where things go."

"I'm glad to hear, the best of luck to you both," she returned with another squeeze of his hands. "You tell him I said he better take good care of you."

"I will" Karim replied "Thank you for taking the tie to talk to me Mavala. I think I'm going to enjoy learning more about you through your memories over time. "

"I'm glad we did talk. Just remember to keep reaching for the stars... not just for yourself, not just for your crew, but for that old slug of ours you carry now." She suddenly leaned over and caught Karim in a tight hug.

Returning the unexpected hug, he said "I will Mavala I promise."

=/\= End Log =/\=

Captain Karim Dhej
Commanding Officer
USS Enterprise NCC 1701-F

Lieutenant Zhyalla sh'Thrass
Chief Helm Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F


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