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Duty Log - CO & aCMO - Capt Coo & LtJG Forgrave

Posted on 241708.08 @ 1:00pm by Lieutenant Jennell Forgrave MD & Captain Rozen Coo PhD

Mission: Reconstruction and Refocus

=*=Main Sickbay, Deck 10=*=

Captain Rozen Coo looked like he had just come out of back ally brawl. His boxing match with Lieutenant JG Kezkhe hadn't gone exactly as planned, hence the broken nose. Rozen carried his glasses in one hand, while holding a gym towel to his face with the other. Before he could install the makeshift gauze, blood had streamed down the front of his gym clothing.

Admittedly, he took a few back corridors to get to Sickbay that day, to avoid being seen in his current condition. Rozen quietly slipped into Sickbay and stepped up to the reception desk, where a horrified looking orderly sat behind the desk.

"Its a lot worst than it looks," said Rozen trying to calm the orderly. He sounded somewhat nasally, which was to be expected with his nose bone floating around his nasal cavity. "A doctor wouldn't happen to be in? I find myself in need of one..."

Jennell had just walked into sickbay to start her next shift when she saw the captain at the reception desk. "Good evening Captain. How can we help today? I'm Doctor Forgrave." Then she looked over at the horrified orderly. "Crewman, relax, I'm sure you'll see a lot worse than this." She said smiling. Then turning back to Rozen. "Follow me Captain, lets get you sorted out." She said, as she lead the way through to one of the treatment rooms.

"Thank you," replied Rozen through his stuffed nose. "I am amazed at the number of people who recognize me, without ever having met. I suppose I shouldn't be so surprised, whenever I heard I was getting a new CO, I always looked up their service record..."

Jennell nodded. "Always wise I'd say. So, getting into fights. Didn't know they taught that in CO school these days." She said, only half joking. "Take a seat." She said motioning to the biobed in the middle of the treatment room.

"Some sparing in the gym," replied Rozen through his bloody rag. "No harm, no foul."

The room was one of 6 rooms in the sickbay, walled in to allow for private treatment for patients. All the equipment was kept around the room, either on trolleys, or in wall mounted storage cupboards. She picked up the PADD in the room. Each room had one, and it contained all the information on each patient, sent directly from the reception computer. "Right Captain, so...a regular for the broken noses I see. Nothing we can't fix of course. So, scale of zero to ten, zero being no pain, ten being the worst you've felt, how would you rate it?" She asked, taking out her medical tricorder.

"Probably a six out of ten?, tis but a scratch," replied Rozen. "Not my first, probably wont be my last."

"You taking any regular pain meds?" She asked. The Captains record didn't show any, but it was always good to check, just in case.

"No ma'am. I try to avoid them as much as possible," replied Rozen.

"I can give you something for the pain, or we can set it without, it's your choice, although it would be my advice to have something for the pain." She suggested, walking over to the medicine cabinet and keying in her access code.

"To set it, yes please," replied Rozen sitting on the biobed. "So, where was your previous posting?"

"USS Infinity, Assistant Chief Medical Officer. I served there for 7 years, but she was a small vessel, whereas here is a bigger ship, which means a bigger sickbay. Makes for more of a challenge, in theory." Jennell said, taking a vial of bicaridine out of the Medicine cabinet, and slotting it into a hypospray.

She walked over to the Captain, and put it against his neck. "Just some bicaridine for the pain, nothing to worry about. It'll take a few moments to take effect. And then, if you're ready I'll set your nose back to it's normal position." She looked down and noticed the glasses held in the CO's hand. "Glasses? Not something you regularly see these days. Ever thought of corrective surgery? Or contacts?" She asked, smiling.

"I have had the offer made a few times," replied Rozen. "But I have always had glasses, not sure I want to give them up. Consider it a throwback. People on Earth can go anywhere with transporters, but they still drive ancient cars. Same concept I suppose. Also my father wore glasses, I don't remember a day without them on his face. In our universe today we always try to automate life, this gives me my own slice of the 'old days'."

Jennell nodded. "Completely understandable, and of course, not a problem. Are you ready for your nose?" Jennell asked, smiling.

"Ready when you are Doc," replied the Captain ready for what was next.

"Ok. First of all i'm going to set your nose into the right position. You may feel slight discomfort." Jennell said, placing one hand onto the back of the Captains head to steady it, and putting her thumb and forefinger on the other hand onto his nose. She carefully pushed the nose back into the correct position, and then stepped back, taking out her medical tricorder. "Ok, that looks to be back in the right place. Of course the usual advice stands, careful when blowing your nose, sneezing etc. Oh and try not to get into anymore fights...anymore issues just come back down. How does that feel?" She asked, smiling.

Rozen carefully drew a breath in through his nose, "Perfect," he said standing. Cleaning his face with a unsullied part of the towel he stepped over to the reclimator and recycled the towel. "If you'll excuse me I'm going to change out of these clothes doctor." He asked programming some parameters into the replicator.

The doctor stepped out of the room and a moment later so did Rozen in fresh clothing. "Thank you again Doctor. I appreciate your work," he joked tapping his index finger on the side of his nose.

"No problem Captain. And I don't want to see you in here anytime soon with another broken nose!" She shouted after the departing man.


Captain Rozen Coo, PhD
Commanding Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F


Lieutenant JG Jennell Forgrave
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F


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