JDL | Ltjg Jontar and Cmdr Williams
Posted on 241710.19 @ 7:20pm by Captain Cooper Williams & Lieutenant Shakkar Jontar
Reconstruction and Refocus
Location: Counseling suite
Timeline: Current
Shakkar Jontar was sitting at his desk in counseling country, a stack of pads sat upon it. His eyes were getting blurry at times, so much that he finally broke down and donned the glasses he was issued. Good thing too, as he felt that they made him look distinguished. He sighed at the prospect of all those pads. One by one he knocked them out. That was until he heard a chime at his door.
"Enter!: he said.
Coop entered "Jontar, I wanted to see if you've had a chance to gauge the mood of the crew...this isn't exactly a pleasure cruise after the refit"
"Yes sir." he said. He took a minute to think, going through his memory to try and find the right padd. Then he remembered he put red on it to remind him. A quick navigation exercise later and he had it in his hand. "I have that information right here, sir."
"Give me the short version please..."
"Short version...I can do that. I'd describe it as "watchfully excited." Most of what I hear is this. One end of the spectrum is "Yeah! New stuff" and the other is "Holy crap what's out there? Will it be bad" he took a breath. "Majority of the crew stay about the middle."
Coop nodded, "Any concerns about job performance?"
"None as of yet, at least not too bad." he said. He indicated to another padd. "Mostly keyed up at their stations, exact words. Slated a sit down with those crewman to determine "Keyed up" for myself." he said.
Coop chuckled, "I know that feeling. I remember my first mission. Rescuing a Mining colony from pirates. Almost threw up in the shuttle." He laughed looking back on it.
Shakkar joined in, chuckling at his own memory of his first assignment. "Been there too." he said
Coop grinned "We can't have that here. We're out far enough where the nearest starbase is too far away. I need cool and calm at all times...everyone needs to be doing their jobs"
"I understand completely, sir." the Bajoran replied
Coop sat down "Jontar, it's not the only reason I came down. I have something for you." Coop passed over a PADD
Lt Jontar took up the padd and gave it a quick read. He noticed something that he had to do a double take. He figured the XO would see his reaction, so the Bajoran would let him explain.
"I was looking at your insight into the crew...and I am impressed. I'm offering you the Chief Counselors post with a promotion to Full Lieutenant effective immediately."
"Thank you, sir!" he replied
"I will take that as a yes and let you get on with things Jontar. I don't want to keep you..."
Commander Cooper Williams
Executive Officer
USS Enterprise
Lieutenant Shakkar Jontar
Chief Counselor
USS Enterprise