Joint PLOT LOG - Entire Crew of the USS Enterprise
Posted on 241406.16 @ 12:22am by Acting Captain Mark Rhodes & Lieutenant Scarlet Rogers MD & Commander Tierney Rinehart & Lieutenant Alyssa Lucas
Edited on on 241406.16 @ 12:23am
Mission: Where no man has gone before.
The ship rocked suddenly from a spread of torpedoes. Suddenly Acting Captain Mark Rhoads found himself in the command chair calling all hands: "Red Alert. All hands to battle stations. Senior Officers to the bridge!"
=*=Chief of Intelligence Office=*=
"Taken?!" Tierney flew up from her desk to eyeball the screen with better purpose. An ensign nodded, "Yes Ma'am. I'm not sure why, but some sort of an arrest... I wasn't able to sneak away sooner to warn yo--" And then it started. Klaxons blared and lights flashed red in hateful abandon. The ship had been hit and the lithe frame of the strange little Intelligence Officer was thrown practically over her desk. She groaned and pushed herself back as her combadge chirped and a relatively unfamiliar voice ordered her appearance. "You and I... Will have to wait." She snapped and closed the link between her and her informant and raced from her quarters towards the lift. "Main bridge!" She barked, her heart racing and she struggled to push her hair back behind her ears. She'd been off duty, free from the tight bun that normally would have adorned her head.
A quick moment later and she was there, stepping out onto the bridge with purpose with wide eyes, suspiciously looking at the Engineer in the hot seat. Her informant had been right. Too little, too late.
Karim let out a groan of pain as he picked himself off the floor. He'd been in the little office he'd been given off of Sickbay, going over some of the latest simulations he'd developed. Then suddenly he was on the floor, his padds spread across the room. Knowing he would have a bruise on his hip soon, he got to his feet and rushed into the main bay. Even though he was a medical researcher, he was still a trained doctor, and he knew where he would be needed the most. Looking around, he hoped to find Doctor Rogers and find out what was happening.
"Before you ask, I don't have a clue," The doctor saw the man running in. She was picking herself up off the floor after tripping over thanks to the shaking ship, "rumours are going round saying that the captain and second in command have been arrested, but we have bigger fish to fry. There is going to be an influx of people through these doors after that, I suggest we prepare."
Nodding, Karim replied "Agreed, however the alert said all senior officers to the bridge? Does that mean you need to report there? I can keep an eye on things here if needed." As he spoke, he began flipping on biobeds, and confirming they had tools available at each station.
"If you ask me, I think they should give an exception to medical professionals," the young woman flipped on some biobeds as she ran out and down to where she was commanded to report. She wasn't happy about being called away from duty at a potentially bad time, but it came with the job.
Mark looked to the turbolift as some of the members of the senior staff exited and took their posts.
"This better be for a damn good reason, I have patients to deal with," Scarlet growled.
"I understand that you understand people are about to get hurt, Doctor," said Mark snapping at the Doctor not making eye contact but keeping focused on the tactical situation they were presently in. " I did not think to send you a message to stay in Sickbay, but since you are here: Storage Bay 5, around the corner from Sickbay, is now yours for a emergency triage unit. Get to it," before Mark could say anything else he looked at her just for a second and made eye contact, "Good luck Scarlet."
"By the hell did you call me here then. Where's the captain?" She went to run back but demanded an answer first.
"We don't have time for-" the ship rocked as it received another spread of torpedoes across its bow. "Captain Carpenter was taken into custody, the Executive Officer was injured and taken to sickbay. Being the most senior bridge officer when the Captain was taken, here I am. We can have a powwow to get on the same page, but I am sure there is a better time for it. We both need to do our jobs, so let me do mine," he said to Scarlet.
Scarlet cursed under her breath and ran back to the medical bay with seeing Thelin a priority.
Tierney watched the doctor, spirited as she was, run out as she picked herself up off the floor of the bridge. Standing on the bridge in the middle of a fire fight was a dicey task. Next time, she'd be ready. "Which ship do we have in front of us?" She asked the Captain, turning her attention to him.
"USS Interceptor, the ship that took Captain Carpenter into custody," said Mark not taking his eyes from the command chair arm terminal. "I know the UFP had the authority to do what they did," said Mark thinking aloud. He focused deeper into the terminal. "Helm, defensive pattern Delta-Five," he called to the helm officer.
Turning the communicator on he called to Engineering, "Rhodes to Engineering..."
"Andrews here sir," replied the senior Engineering officer.
"Get damage control teams to their posts and fire up the Slip-Stream Drive. We are jumping in 5 min."
"But sir, that's not enough time to get the navigational array online-" retorted Andrews.
"We will take care of that, 5 min. Not a second more. Rhodes out," he said closing the line. "Helm, continue with defensive patterns. Tactical, keep pouring power into the shields, I know they are firing on us, but we are not going to retaliate. Ops, begin to run calculations and plot us a course to the deepest darkest section of space outside of the Federation borders. We are going to fire up the drive, as soon as its up we are going to make the blind jump. Its the only option we have right now," called Mark to the bridge crew.
She only had a split second to make her decisions, to weigh the options would have taken too long -- and so she took a leap of faith, leaving her heart on her sleeve. "What weapon capabilities do we have?" Tierney asked, her fragile heart racing like a bird trapped in an iron cage. She knew what she was about to suggest could be consider treason. She knew they'd eventually have her head for such a horrendous display against the power they'd given her. Her own father would blanch, curse the day she was born, and think that he was ruined. But fortune had always favored the bold, and her lineage was not one of safety and conventionality.
"Put a torpedo straight into their sensor platform. It'll blind them long enough for us to get away." The woman rushed, tucking a loose strand of soft red hair behind an ear as she leaned over a console and quickly accessed it, working information with fingers that seemed to fly. "That will tamper their shield harmonics, render said shields disabled for as long as it takes for them to override the code which gives us an in and..." She smirked nervously, "a quick out."
And with that she nodded to Rhodes and stepped away, searching the faces of the entire bridge crew. She'd just committed an act of treason after all. High treason. May the Gods save her soul.
"You heard her," said Mark calling to Tactical. "Fire only as many torpedoes as needed to blind them. We will not injure anyone unless we have to," said Mark who found his own words foolish as the ship rocked again from another spread of torpedoes across their bow, but he would not kill Starfleet personnel.
The tactical officer worked frantically to prepare and target the spread. A few seconds later the torpedoes found their mark and the USS Interceptor stopped dead in the water. "Sir, it worked," said the Tactical Officer.
Everyone was quiet on the bridge as everyone worked. Helm, kept their distance from the Interceptor, Tactical shifted more power to the shields just in case, Ops worked quickly to calculate the Slip-Stream Drive coordinates and Mark looked into the arm terminal to see any damages they had taken.
"Ops, how long before we can-" Mark started to say before the ship rocked violently again. One of the science terminals overloaded and the lights dimmed briefly. Mark could hear an alarm klaxon from the arm terminal that they had taken heavy damage. "They reset quicker then I thought they were going to. How long before we can enter the slip stream?"
"I haven't finished all of the calculations yet, without the navigation array its taking longer to do the math by hand," said the Ops officer. They took another severe hit from the Interceptor.
"Shields down to 12%, we can't take another hit like that sir," called out Tactical.
"We are going to have to make the jump now, wherever we end up is better then here," said Mark.
"But sir-!" shouted the Ops officer over the sounds of alarms.
"We make the jump now, that's and order! Helm, plot a course, and enter the Slip Stream," said Mark as the bridge began to become smokey from the burning terminal.
The crew of the USS Interceptor watched as the USS Enterprise was in normal space one second and in the blink of an eye disappeared.
Back on the USS Enterprise the ship was trying to tear itself apart as they traveled through the slip stream, crossing 100's of light years in almost no time at all.
"Sir! We have to drop out of the stream!" called the Helm officer.
"Understood, shut it down," said Mark as a shower of sparks flew across the bridge. The USS Enterprise dropped out of the slip stream and back into normal space, coming to a full stop.
"Helm, where did we end up?" asked Mark giving a sigh of relief.
"Approximately... 1100... lightyears away from any Federation border," said the Helm as the bridge fell silent.
Mark would not allow the crew to see the fact that he was worried about being so far out into the black but there was work to be done.
"Alright people, at least we are safe. Damage control teams are starting their work, Medical has people pouring in. Anyone who is qualified in medicine I am sure they could use your hands in Medical.
"I will try to contact Starfleet and figure out what the hell is going on. Until then, we all need to continue doing our jobs. We may be on our own for a while, so we need to function as a team now more then ever. We will have a briefing as soon as possible," said Mark standing looking around the bridge crew.
Mark left the bridge in silence and went into the Captains Ready Room. He sank into the chair behind the desk and exhaled heavily. This was turning into an interesting day for Mark and it was only just getting started.
She was quiet, the little redheaded muse that stood un-waivering with her handed folded politely in front of her. Tierney's almost too large eyes watched the sparks fly, watched them work, watched the Interceptor disappear and finally? Watched the new Captain lift himself from the center seat with the invisible crown a thorns all Captains wear fresh upon his brow. She swallowed the lump in her throat, lifting her chin in defiance against what whispers may come -- there would be words between them later. Of this she was sure.
For now she pivoted sharply on her heel and took to the lift, back to her own quarters to tuck away and forget the act she had just committed. The Enterprise was safe, her crew alive and well. That would be her consolation prize -- for now.
Galen had amazingly been quiet with all the commotion that was going on. The Lieutenant had been somewhat surprised that Aly hadn't made it up to the bridge, but also had learned her well enough in the short time they had served to know something was up. As the sound of someone arriving on the bridge caught his attention he looked even more concerned seeming his Chief.
"Sorry I'm late" Aly offered as she headed over to the Security Station to take Galens place. The slight shake of her head in a silent "don't ask" was given as she saw him eying her black eye and her somewhat scuffed up uniform. She had a somewhat smug look on her face having fared well with the chase and capture she'd gotten involved in.
Acting Captain Mark Rhodes
Acting Commanding Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F
Commander Tierney Rinehart
Chief Intelligence Officer - USS Enterprise
Star Fleet Intelligence
Lieutenant Commander Karim Dhej
Medical Researcher (Future Executive Officer)
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F
Doctor Scarlet Rogers
Chief Medical Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F
Lieutenant Thelin th'Zarath
Executive Officer (Future Assistant Chief Engineer)
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F
Lieutenant Alyssa Lucas
Chief Security Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F
Lieutenant Rhiannon Sato-Pryce
Chief Operations Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F
Lieutenant Danielle Atarah
Engineering Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F
Lieutenant JG Tobias Aurille
Chief Science Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F
Ensign Aquila Kieran
Chief Helm Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F
Ensign Thee Rhys
Chief Tactical Officer
USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-F