JDL|Cmdr Dhej &Adm;. Hark |"Wrapping Up"
Posted on 241503.26 @ 1:55am by Lieutenant Kerenal
Mission: Holy Cow
=/\=Ready Room=/\=
After finishing up the after action report for the encounter with the alien ship, Karim felt the need to reach out for direction. Now that the cause of the issues on the planet had been discovered, he felt he needed clarification about next steps on the mission. Clearing his throat he said "Computer, open a secure channel to Admrial Alexander Hark"
It took a few moments for the transmission to be routed, eventually finding it's way to the desk of Admiral Hark and flashing up with a start, he'd been notified of it's nature by his aide and was expecting the face he was met with, "Commander Dhej, I presume?" the greying Admiral replied with a slight smile and a respectful bow of his head.
Smiling as well, Karim replied "It's nice to see you again sir, I trust that you've received my latest report?"
"I have, but I've been a little tied up recently," Xander replied with a smile as he filed through a stack of padds and found the one he was looking for, "Why don't you fill me in on the rough details?"
Nodding, Karim cleared his throat and said "Of course sir. Shortly after we last spoke we received a distress call from an isolationist people called the Nirua. They were experiencing unexplained medical and agricultural issues, and were also being harassed by a rebel faction." Pausing, he added "After careful consideration, I made first contact, and discovered that they are familiar with the Federation and its technologies, and developed similar ones, but chose not to use them."
Continuing, he said "After dealing with an attack during our first meeting, the Enterprise came under attack by an unknown alien vessel that threatened to destroy us for interfering with their "improvements" to the Nirua. We attempted to defuse the situation, but in the end, we were forced to destroy the vessel. We were unable to learn much about the alien culture, but I have included vague scans of their vessel. I would suggest other ships keep an eye out for them." Pausing to catch his breath, he added "After the attack, I was able to arrange a meeting between the First Mother Barula, the leader of the peaceful faction, and Leader Kintu, of the rebels. I advised them of the outside influence on their planet, and was able to mediate a ceasefire between them."
Pausing again, he said "Forgive me for rambling sir. We've been quite busy. I also do have a formal request from the Nirua to put forward to you."
Hark simply nodded as the Commander spoke, he did have the report available to read but preferred to hear it straight from the source if possible, "What is their request?"
Nodding, he replied "They are requesting Federation aid to deal with their medical and agricultural concerns sir. I would recommend the assignment of a specialized ship with medical and scientific teams. I would also recommend it have an experienced mediator in case any issues arise between the two factions."
"I will put the petition to the Federation council, however I am not in a place to give them an answer myself, I need to get the council's blessing before I can authorise anything." the greying Admiral replied with a slight smile and a nod, "Forward the request and any additional information to my office and we'll get it processed as soon as possible."
Nodding, Karim replied "Thank you sir. I will forward the request in a few moments, and let the Nirua know they will be contacted as soon as a decision is reached."
"Now, as for you and your ship, you've been doing a stellar job in the last mission given some exceptionally difficult circumstances, including the loss of your commanding officer and the kidnapping of two officers, I'm ordering you to the nearest Starbase for repairs and resupply, use the time to mingle with the crew and relax." Xander replied with a nod as he pulled up another padd and transmitted the details, "As of this date, Lieutenant Commander Hunter is hereby advanced to the rank of Commander, please make this change known to her and your crew, I'm also pleased to advance you from Commander to Captain and I'm making your appointments permenant, congratulations, Captain."
Momentarily shocked, Karim took a moment to recover himself and said "Thank you sir. I won't let you down sir. We will wrap everything up with the Nirua soon and set course for Cold Station Theta. Was there anything else sir before I get back to work and share the good news with Commander Hunter?"
"When you arrive at Cold Station Theta, you will find that Admiral Red is not in attendance at the moment, so you will report to her second in command, the station is freshly minted, so try not to break it." the greying Admiral replied with a slight chuckle and a smile.
Smiling Karim replied "Thank you sir. I'll meet that in mind. I look forward to speaking with you again. Dhej out"
=/\=End Log=/\=
Admiral Alexander 'Xander' hark
Commander in Chief of Starfleet
United Federation of Planets
Captain Karim Dhej
Commanding Officer
USS Enterprise NCC 1701-F