Duty Log-Ltjg Shakkar Jontar-"Arrival"
Posted on 241708.18 @ 9:22am by Lieutenant Shakkar Jontar
Reconstruction and Refocus
Location: ESD-USS Enterprise
Timeline: 241708.16
=/\= Earth Space Dock=/\=
Lt Jontar was in his small office on ESD looking out a window sipping some tea when his console beeped. He was there on temporary duty as he waited for news of his transfer to space duty. He assumed that it was a reply coming through. He put his tea down and went to answer it. " Anything but a Defiant. Too small." he said as he logged in. It was a text message informing him of a his posting on the Enterprise. "Wow!" he said. He read further to see that the ship had already moved out. He let out a Bajoran swear as an old friend knocked on his door.
"I taught you better than that!" a man in command red said. "Should've listened to old RJ"
"How are you, man. JG now huh, me too." Shakkar said. "What brings you here?"
"Got a command believe it or not. Delta flyer USS Yadkin." RJ said. "What was that all about."
"Got the jackpot assignment but they're halfway across the galaxy by now. Applied for space duty, got the Enterprise." he said. "Hitch a ride?"
"Sure man." RJ replied. "Yadkin has to go to DS9 anyway. I'll get my orders. You grab your crap and met me aboard." RJ said. Shakkar mock saluted in response.
After a few minutes Shakkar transported aboard the runabout carrying his go bag. He draped it over his shoulder and proceeded to pat himself down. " Everything's in the right place. Good. " he said to himself. This drew a strange look from his buddy who happened to be standing there. He turned to him. "RJ, dont' look at me like that!" he said startled.
"Sorry man. Just letting you know that were about ready to leave you lucky dog. I'd kill to serve on the Enterprise."
"I'll put in a good word for you." the Bajoran replied. "Least I could do for you helping with that awful Astrometrics exam." he said. They both laughed. Shakkar took up residence at an open console as the flyer left spacedock. As soon as they were free RJ gave the order to jump to warp. After a while they arrived at the Enterprise coordinated.
"I'll keep in touch, RJ. I promise to do my best." Shakkar said.
"I know man. Have a good one." he replied. Ad with that the pair parted ways by means of transporter.
Shakkar stowed his bag in a nearby locker and went to report in
=/\= End=/\=
Ltjg Shakkar Jontar
Assistant Chief Counselor
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-F