JDL || Cmdr th'Zarath & Lt Lucas, XO & CSec || "Immediate concerns..."
Posted on 241402.18 @ 7:17pm by Lieutenant Thelin th'Zarath & Lieutenant Alyssa Lucas
Where no man has gone before.
Location: Onboard the Enterprise
=/\= Executive Officer's Office, Deck 2, USS Enterprise =/\=
Sparse... that was probably the correct word to describe the decorations in the office that had been provided to the new Executive Officer, he stepped forward and allowed the door to close behind him, running his hand over the shelving just inside the entrance before moving towards the private office, a desk just outside marked the place of an assistant, someone to bring him the endless amounts of paperwork created by such a large ship.
As he approached the clear door of his office, it slid open and permitted him entry, the computer having recognised his voiceprint and comm badge signal the moment he set foot on the ship, again, he ran his deep blue hand over the furniture and savoured the fresh feeling of it.
Her quarters would need some work before it would truly be her's, and even then it would take a bit of time. It was the one downfall of being in Starfleet, one knew better than to get totally comfortable in where they lived for it could always change. For now, the pictures of her father and brother were set near her computer. The rest, could wait for later when she wasn't so restless. A glance in the mirror, touch up to her hair, and she was ready to go.
Keeping the PaDD with her, she took to exploring the ship. Though she knew she had the mandatory check in time, Aly liked to be prepared and ahead of things. It was why she opted to do a bit of exploring now. Of course the fact that she needed to stretch her legs out a little more helped resolve that fact.
The cop in her was already taking in different things as she moved around the ship. Hiding places, Jeffery tubes, emergency panels... Anything that would work in her favor if she ever needed them to. As she reached the Bridge and stepped out upon it, a deep breath was taken and for a moment she stood still and just smiled.
After a few minutes and look around, she was off again. Heading down to the next deck, her drive to learn as much as she could about the ship as fast as she could, had her keeping a steady pace. Spotting someone in the first officers office, she wondered over that way and brushed a hand over the door chime.
Looking up from his thoughts, Thelin straightened his uniform and turned to face the door, fixing a friendly smile across his face, his antennae focusing towards the new arrival, "Enter." he called out from his position next to the desk.
Stepping in, green eyes upon the man's uniform had her instantly coming to attention before his desk. "Lieutenant Alyssa Lucas, reporting for duty, Sir" She said in a crisp, confident tone, as she held that PaDD held towards him.
"Ah, our Chief of Security," the Andorian replied as he took a step forward and accepting the padd, replaced it with his outstretched hand, "Welcome to the Enterprise Lieutenant, at ease." he added quickly.
Fingers curled to the hand that had replaced the PaDD. "Thank you, Sir" As she released his hand after the welcoming shake, she shifted slightly into a more relaxed stance. "It's good to be aboard Commander." Her gaze never leaving him, the quickest way to learn someone was by their actions and body language, she'd learned that long ago and lived the lesson every day of her life.
"You're telling me, I'm just glad to be rid of the Ferengi," the Andorian replied with a broad smile as he gestured towards the chair, still in its covering from being installed, "Would you like a seat?" he asked as he moved behind the desk and took to his, shifting his weight slightly until he was comfortable.
"They can be quite interesting, I learned long ago to watch them closely." Aly said as she moved to take a seat, on the edge of the chair. "Suppose I could have waited a little longer before checking in, and let you get the coverings off your furniture." She said with a smile and a light sparkle in those green eyes.
"Perhaps," Thelin replied as his antennae narrowed, "However I think I would have left them on a while longer in any rate, at least until I've finished retrieving my personal effects and moved things about a bit," the continued before a slight pause, "As much as I admire the Corps of Engineers, everything always seems so... sterile when a ship is first inhabited."
"I don't know, for me the freshness... The newness of it all just adds to the excitement of being one of the first crew members aboard the ship." A flicker of her gaze around the office a moment before she looked back to him. "It gives us, the crew, a chance to make every little bit of this ship ours from the start."
"This is true," the Andorian replied simply, his antennae moving back to a vaguely vertical position as he scrolled through the padd the Security Officer had handed him on her arrival, "Well, it would seem that you have already drawn up your quarters, so once you are settled in and your staff have arrived, I'd like reports on a series of hazard response drills, just the usual things, evacuation, anti-boarding and damage response, think you can handle that Lieutenant?"
"Of course, Sir." She replied, her smile getting a bit bigger, that hint of eagerness touched her voice. One would have thought she would have outgrown that by now, but the idea of getting to work was something that she was more than ready for. "Anything else?"
"I'd also like you to double check with your Master At Arms, I'd like to know that everything we are meant to launch with will be on board when we do leave." Thelin replied with a slight nod.
She was making mental notes of her current tasks, neither one being something hard or surprising to her. A slight nod of her head given as she made a note to herself to go over her roster again to remember who was who. "Everything will be on the Ship, Commander."
"Excellent," Thelin replied as he handed the padd back to her, satisfied that everything was in order, "Is there anything that you require from me at the moment?"
"No Sir, I just wanted to get checked in so I can finish taking this time to get to know the Ship and get myself ready in my new role." Ay said as she accepted the PaDD from him, shifting slightly as she readied herself to rise, sensing this meeting was about over.
"Then I will let you get back to acquainting yourself with this new ship," the Andorian replied as he stood slowly and offered a hand across the desk, "It has been nice to meet you."
Rising, she reached out to accept that hand. "Been nice meeting you too, Sir." Aly said before releasing his hand to sidestep around the chair. "I'll have reports to you as soon as they are done, Commander." With that, she turned and started out, ready to get to know what would be her new home better.
(End Log.)
Cmdr Thelin th'Zarath
Lt Alyssa Lucas
USS Enterprise